Outside Reading Requirement Guidelines and Overview Mr Outside Reading Requirement Guidelines and Overview Mr. Emenecker 7th Grade Language Arts
Overview The main idea is that you need to always have a book you are reading on your own outside of class.
The philosophy behind the outside reading requirement is quite simple: The more you read, the more you know. Reading is fun, especially if you choose what you read The more you read, the better your vocabulary, the higher your test scores, the better you think in all your classes and situations. You need to choose your own books whenever possible, guided by your level, interests and needs at the time.
Expectations Minimally, every student is responsible for reading at least 4 (one per quarter) self-selected novels in addition to our classroom novel studies. *Note—Books that are significantly larger in volume (i.e. over 400 pages) in length may be counted as two completed novels.
Accountability You will have a project assigned in Quarter 1 and Quarter 4 for your O.R.R. novels. During Quarter 2 and 3 the class novel will be assessed through quizzes, assignments, and/or a project.
Guidelines You must always have a book you are reading outside of class. This book, unless otherwise specified, is for you to choose. Books must be a new read (you cannot reread a book you have already read) You may not select a book that has been made into a movie (Ex: Hunger Games) Books must be physical copies (no electronic books on iPads or E-Readers)
Guidelines Continued… I expect you to read 20-30 minutes each day/night from your book. Outside Reading will be used in class for constructing reflective responses during warm ups. Your book selections should be appropriate to your age, interests, and abilities. Parents and the Teacher must approve of your book selection
Where to Look for Books Sossaman Media Center Public Library Barnes and Noble Half Price Books Target Amazon My classroom library