Let’s have a “Make-Down” Day! Group1 Hiro/ Kanako/ Rairi/ Kanako/ Nanase
Introduction Table1: Why do you wear Makeup? http://research.lifemedia.jp/2013/10/131023_makeup.html Source: Research Bank (2013)
Introduction Picture Source(left): http://www.totalbeauty.com/content/gallery/makeup-school Picture source(right): http://agritalks.in/2017/06/environment-paradises-gift/
Outline Introduction Definition Background Skin Problems Environment Conclusion
Outline Introduction Definition Background Skin Problems Environment Conclusion
? MAKE-DOWN DAY Definition http://fashionandbeautyblogger.com/category/makeup/page/3/
Definition Remove your makeup once or twice a week “Make-Down Day” = The day not to make up 口頭で We make our own definition Make-Down Day is the day not to make up The reason for doing this is to get some rest for your skin How often do you need to do this? Once or twice a week, and in that day keep your face w/out makinup Remove your makeup once or twice a week
Outline Introduction Definition Background Skin Problems Environment Conclusion
Background Figure1: Frequency that doing makeup with using cosmetics http://www.po-holdings.co.jp/csr/culture/bunken/report/pdf/20161104make2016.pdf Source: POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture (2016)
Background Table 2: Frequency that doing makeup with using cosmetics by age Source: POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture (2016)
Background Table3: Time people spend making up in the morning by age Source: POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture (2016)
Background Table4: Average Money women spend her cosmetic in a month Source: POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture (2016)
Outline Introduction Definition Background Skin Problems Environment Conclusion
Outline Introduction Definition Background Skin Problems Skin Allergies and Skin Cancer Clogged Pores and Acne Early aging 5) Environment 6) Conclusion
Skin Problems 1) Skin Allergies and Skin Cancer http://www.lifetimestyles.com/makeup-products/top-5-disadvantages-of-using-cosmetics-and-beauty-products Source: Life Time Styles (2016)
Skin Problems 2) Clogged Pores and Acne Source: beautyheaven (2015) https://www.beautyheaven.com.au/makeup/the-magic-of-make-up-tips-for-problem-skin Source: beautyheaven (2015)
Skin Problems 3) Early Aging Source: The Facial Surgery Center (2015) http://facialsurgerycenter.com/how-young-or-old-should-i-be-to-have-cosmetic-procedures/ Source: The Facial Surgery Center (2015)
Outline Introduction Definition Background Skin Problems Environment Conclusion
Outline Introduction Definition Background Skin Problems Environment Damaging the earth Animal Testing 6) Conclusion
Environment 1) Damaging the Earth Source: Mashable Asia (2015) http://mashable.com/2015/03/07/beauty-products-environment/#mxOhdNl3EOqf Source: Mashable Asia (2015)
Environment 2) Animal Testing Source: Linked in (2017) https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/step-towards-australian-ban-cosmetic-animal-testing-madeline-taylor Source: Linked in (2017)
Outline Introduction Definition Background Skin Problems Environment Conclusion
Conclusion Once or Twice a week… I can do that… Picture Source: http://any-stress.com/wake-up-dry-skin
Outline Introduction Definition Background Skin Problems Environment Conclusion
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