A New Storage Record A note given in BCC class on May 7, 2014 Kun-Mao Chao (趙坤茂) Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University, Taiwan A note given in BCC class on May 7, 2014
Sony Tape Smashes Storage Record Holding up to 185 terabytes (TB) of data per cartridge by Sony (May 5, 2014) The equivalent of 11,840 16 gigabytes iPhone 5s devices or about 3,700 Blu-ray discs An incredible storage capacity of 18.5GB per square inch Beating a record set in 2010 more than five times over Back then, a tape capable of holding 35 terabytes by Fujifilm and IBM
Orders of Magnitude of Data
Tape Storage A cheaper and more energy efficient method of storing data A more reliable approach over a long time period A far slower process -- sequential access
In the future By 2020 the amount of data on the planet will reach 40 zettabytes, or the equivalent of nearly 43 trillion terabytes. That’s about 5,200 gigabytes for every person in the world.