Change Management: By Alexis Richardson
Everyone wants and win-win, but how can that be achieved? “A great change vision is something that is easy for people to understand. It can be written usually in a half page, communicated in 60 seconds, is both intellectually solid but has emotional appeal, and it’s something that can be understood by the broad range of people that are ultimately going to have to change (Kotter,2011).” This power point presentation will provide details on how to communicate the vision, strategy for communication of the change vision, steps for communicating the vision, how to reinforce the process, and how the guiding coalition will maintain its effectiveness and appealing to stakeholders.
Communicating the vision A solid vision can provide a better reason to implement the change in an effective manner. An important part of communicating the vision is creating an urgency. This implies that the leader should assist others in understanding the need for a change and how it may benefit the organization. Change is the need of the hour. Without implementing changes, an organization would become obsolete. A dynamic business environment and augmenting competition may influence a company to implement regular changes. Creating a coalition may assist in change implementation process. A coalition is a strategic alliance with the employees or stakeholders that helps in smooth implementation of change process (Huselid 2010). Communication must be simple, concise and easy to understand to ensure that change will not be short lived and ineffective.
Strategy for communicating change vision Communication should be made by the top management or the organizational leader. Communication would be done with employees working at all levels and not only with the department heads. Simple and easy language will be used so that the employees understand its conveniently. The key benefits of change process would be communicated. If benefits to the organization, employees and stakeholders is clear then change implementation can be smooth (Nograsek 2011). Strategy is important because in change management if the strategy is weak the change will be weak and lack the steps needed to impactful.
Outlining steps for communicating vision I will communicate through emails, phone calls and personal meetings. This will help in creating a bond with all the employees. Senior management has to ensure that all promises are fulfilled. The key intent is to create positive perception towards the change process. Using variety of tools for communication will lead to subliminal perception. Reinforce the message again and again. The organizational leaders have to keep the employees motivated. ‘Change process is for overall good of all the parties’. This message has to be repeated. The plan… how my change will go from an idea to an action
Steps to reinforce the change vision after the initial communication. Create coalition or strategic alliances with partners. Keeping all the levels of management informed. Build champions Maintain regular communication within teams. Maintenance, like any thing else that is worth doing it must be maintained in order to have longevity.
Guiding coalition and other stakeholders help share the change vision and create a positive attitude toward the change? Communication with the employees can help them in properly understanding the reasons and benefits of the change process. This would eliminate any kind of resistance and enhance their readiness to change. A coalition with the stakeholders would assist an organization in ensuring the change process gets the due support of all parties. This can be done by interacting with the stakeholders and convincing them about the long-term benefits of the change process (Mello 2006). The unknown variable, the biggest obstacle… PEOPLE…..
Conclusion It is very evident that implementing relevant changes at the right time is the key to success in today’s dynamic world. One of the biggest barriers in the change implementation process is employee resistance and confrontation. This implies that any kind of change being introduced in the internal structure may invite a lot of resistance from the employees (Weeks 2004). However, developing an effective vision can assist the management in implementing a change in an effective manner. Change management needs to communicate quickly, effectively and honestly. Change happens for several reasons by force or by choice.
References Huselid, M.A. (2010). “The impact of human resource management practices”, Academy of Management Journal Kotter, J.P. (2011). “How to Create a Powerful Vision for Change”, Forbes Mello, J.A. (2006). Strategic human resource management, Thomson South western, USA Nograšek, J. (2011). Change management as a critical success factor in e-government implementation, Business Systems Research, 2(2): 13. Weeks, W, et al., (2004). Organizational readiness for change, individual fear of change, and sales manager performance: an empirical investigation, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 24(1): 7-17.