Welcome! September 25th, 2017 Monday Grab a Chromebook, sign in, and close the screen. Welcome! September 25th, 2017 Monday Do Now Take a weekly Bell Ringer sheet from the front table. Once the bell rings, we’ll watch a video, and you will have five minutes to respond to the question in at least five sentences. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you
Would you have helped the child? What if it was an adult? Click on the link below to watch a video clip. Respond in writing by providing your thoughts on the following question: Would you have helped the child? What if it was an adult? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92-QkWpacB8 © Presto Plans
Journal heading Go to my website. Open up the document underneath today’s date titled “FranklinAutobiographyAssignment”. Save it as a Google Doc and share it with me. Make sure you type your name at the top! Begin working. You may type your responses directly into the document. If you manage to finish, feel free to work on your IXL for the week: B.2 and B.3.