Introduction to Nursing TOPIC 1: Introduction to Nursing Learning Goal C: Identify the systems of a healthy body HLT33115 Unit: HLTAAP001 - Recognise healthy body systems Related Assessment: Task C
Recap - Systems
Integumentary System Integumentary System is: covers the muscular skeletal system, protects as a barrier against infection, regulates body temperature
Tissue: Epithelial tissue, connective tissue Integumentary System Organs: Skin Tissue: Epithelial tissue, connective tissue Skeletal Cells: blood cells, fat cells, immune cells, squamous cells Molecules: Proteins, Fats
Covers the body Barrier covering the entire body. Provides structure
Covers the body Barrier covering the entire body. Provides structure
Protects infection by prokaryotes, viruses and fungi's entering Epidermis – Outer layer (Thin layer of connective tissue) stops things getting in. Dermis – Middle layer – contains blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, collagen , sweat gland – catches bacteria Hypodermis – deep layer – made of fats for warmth. Immune Protects infection by prokaryotes, viruses and fungi's entering
Protects infection by prokaryotes, viruses and fungi's entering Temperature Protects infection by prokaryotes, viruses and fungi's entering If too hot – our sweat glands open up and we lose water, and our blood vessels move to the surface to give off heat. If too cold – our muscles shiver and we constrict or blood vessels to keep heat in.
Healthy Integumentary System: Is in tact – nil cuts, breaks, abrasions, or bruises. Skin should be warm to touch, have blood flow, nil bumps, blemishes or major discolouration. Have flexibility (good turgor) – returning to position within 1second.
So What. Summary Key Terms- these are taken from our discussions So What? Summary Key Terms- these are taken from our discussions. Please note these are not exact definitions but provide a general understanding. Integumentary System: Responsible covering the muscles and bones, protection, and thermoregulation System Organs: skin Tissue: epithelial tissue, connective tissue Cells: squarmous cells, fat cells, etc. Epidermis – Outer layer (Thin layer of connective tissue) stops things getting in. Dermis – Middle layer – contains blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, collagen , sweat gland – catches bacteria Hyperdermis – deep layer – made of fats for warmth. Healthy Integumentary system: Is in tact – nil cuts, breaks, abrasions, or bruises. Skin should be warm to touch, have blood flow, nil bumps, blemishes or major discolouration. Have flexibility (good turgor) – returning to position within 1 second. Nursing Observations: Skin check – investigate that it is intact Skin infection – check that there are no signs of infection i.e. redness, pain or swelling Skin Turgor test – pinch it and see flexibility