Cell phones up! Be ready for notes!
Teddy Roosevelt President 1901-1909 T.R.
Square Deal: Four Corners Each corner is a topic - Labor, Business, Consumers, Environment Look up the information given and add accordingly
LABOR 1902 Coal Miners Strike Pay raise, shorter work days TR threatened to send troops, owners compromised! Department of Commerce and Labor Monitored businesses, engaged in interstate commerce
BUSINESS Recap: ICC - interstate commerce commission Oversee RR rates interstate 1906 Hepburn Act More power to ICC, set maximum RR rates “Trustbuster” Busted illegal trusts, TR’s new nickname
CONSUMERS Meat Inspection Act Govt inspects meat industry/ processing factories Pure Food and Drug Act Controls and regulations on food other than meat, and drugs Ex. labels have to have legit ingredients
ENVIRONMENT 1906 Antiquities Act Created national parks and national monuments 5th Amendment Protects private property, if taken by govt. Must have compensation National Reclamation Act Govt power for where and how water is distributed
Question: Would you consider Teddy Roosevelt a Muckraker? Why or why not?