Adapt, Adjust and Plan Pilot Event Lead Cancer Nurse Carol Chapman Brain and CNS SSG, Wednesday 14th November 2018
Background A ‘next steps’ day for patients with a poor prognosis has been recognised as an area of unmet need by several of the Cancer Alliance Site Specific Groups A project to set up such events has since been underway in UH Bristol over the past year The first pilot event will be held on Monday 4th February 2018 in the Education and Research Centre, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust Clinical Nurse Specialists can refer both male and female patients treated in UH Bristol who have a prognosis of between 6-36 months.
Event Format The pilot event will be in a similar format to the ‘Living Well’ events: Market stalls of patient information leaflets Talks from Clinical Psychologists, Physiotherapists, Dieticians, and Clinical Nurse Specialists from a poor prognosis perspective Managing fatigue Managing finances Advanced care planning Will writing Talking to loved ones One to one break-out sessions. The event will be evaluated and adapted according to patient feedback. It is hoped that it can be extended to patients across the Alliance on a regular basis once funding and an appropriate venue has been secured.