FRONTIER PE Mr. Edwards Mr. Devereaux Mrs. Hamm Mr. Hathaway
THIS WEEKS PE SCHEDULE Monday Slideshow of expectations Tuesday Locks Wednesday Uniforms/Locks Roll Call Thursday------First dress down day
Uniforms Please pay by check or cash in the activity office Please pay by check or cash in the activity office Please bring receipt to a PE teacher Please bring receipt to a PE teacher Cost is $14.00, or $7.00 for each item Cost is $14.00, or $7.00 for each item Make sure your first and last name is on both the s s s s s hhhh iiii rrrr tttt aaaa nnnn dddd s s s s hhhh oooo rrrr tttt ssss Students with money issues can see any PE teacher We will dress down onThursday
PE ROUTINE Dress down in your uniform-Boys sit on benches until you are excused Dress down in your uniform-Boys sit on benches until you are excused When excused go to gym and sit in roll call lines When excused go to gym and sit in roll call lines Complete Exercises Complete Exercises Complete Running-M/F-Endurance run Complete Running-M/F-Endurance run T/Th-Agilities T/Th-Agilities Go to Unit Go to Unit
FITNESS DAYS Wednesdays This is a day to work on improving yourself in a component of fitness There will be no unit on this day Please bring a good attitude on this day!
Components of Fitness CardioRespiratory Endurance Muscle Strength Muscle Endurance Flexibility Body Composition
LOCKS AND LOCKERS Locks will be loaned to you for the trimester. Do not bring a lock from home to use Lost, broken, or stolen locks are a $5.50 fine Please close your small locker, then put the lock on and lock it. DO NOT CLOSE YOUR SMALL LOCKER WITH THE LOCK ON IT. Please let us know if you have a defective locker. Do not give your combination to anyone else Small lockers vs. Big lockers Small lockers vs. Big lockers
If you are injured please let a teacher know about it If you see someone else injured, please find the closest teacher, DO NOT MOVE THEM! You will not be excused from class without a note from parent with phone number Please dont bring a note for every little ache and pain you have
WHAT YOU ARE GRADED ON 30%Exercises 30%Running 30%Unit 10%Fitness day
HOW YOU ARE GRADED You will be graded on effort As of right now you have a 10/10 in exercise, running, and unit When you non-suit, that 10/10, drops to a 9/10 in exercise, running, and unitnon-suits cannot be made up If you miss 2 classes, then you drop another pointabsences can be made up You will lose your exercise grade when you are tardy (not sitting in your spot)
ABSENCES Counts against your grade, but can be made up Can only make up 5 absences every six weeks Must get a make up sheet from teacher or you can download one from our website ½ hour of work for every day missed Suggested activities, fitness club, team sports or practices, biking, running, swimming, dance, weight lifting, martial arts, roller blading, etc… IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY
NON-SUITS A non-suit is when you wear anything other than your uniform to PE ½ non-suit-not wearing either part of your uniform Your shoes need to have a visible bow or velcro and be tied tightly to your feet.bow or velcro Shoes not tied or tied loosely will result in ½ non-suit. i.e. Skater shoes, flip flops, sandalsnot tied You can make up 1 non-suit per 6 weeks by completing an after school detention
DETENTION 1 non-suitMark down in grade book, Verbal warning 2 non-suitsMark down plus a call home 3 non-suitsMark down, plus detention 4 non-suits to ? Mark down, plus detention Failure to show to detention is an automatic referral to office
DETENTION PLAN Be on the floor by 3:00 in your uniform Run 4 laps on the track or 20 inside if raining 50 squat thrust Run 2 laps on track or 10 inside 50 crunches Run 1 lap on track or 5 inside 50 push ups
Respect Please respect other peoples belongings. Dont touch what isnt yours Please respect other peoples belongings. Dont touch what isnt yours Respect your stuff by locking it up Respect your stuff by locking it up Respect your teachers by working hard Respect your teachers by working hard Respect our equipment Stay off the bleachers while in stacked position Respect each other Harassment
Final Thoughts Please dont wear your uniform to your next class. Please dont wear your uniform to your next class. NO ARESOL SPRAYS, SUCH as AXE NO ARESOL SPRAYS, SUCH as AXE Please bring deodorant to leave in your locker Please bring deodorant to leave in your locker Please take your uniform home at least once per week to wash, preferable on Fridays Please take your uniform home at least once per week to wash, preferable on Fridays
Thank You! Questions