October 25, 2016 Global II Agenda: DO NOW: DBQ NOTES #14: How did imperialism affect Africa? CLASS ACTIVITY: Imperialism DBQs
How did imperialism affect Africa? Notes #14
Beginning in the late 1800s, European nations sought colonies in Africa because they were competing for raw materials and new markets.
European nations were able to conquer large sections of Africa because they possessed more advanced military technology.
In 1884, European nations met at the Berlin Conference to establish peaceful rules for partitioning (dividing) Africa. Berlin Conference (1884)
When Africa was partitioned, the cultural and ethnic diversity of the African people was disregarded, . . . Ethnic map of Africa Imperialism map of Africa
. . . which created conflicts among rival African groups living together within colonial-established borders.
As a result of imperialism, European nations exploited Africa, . . .
. . . which led to violent African resistance movements . . .
. . . and Africa becoming economically dependent on European nations.
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