Cultural Identity ELA 30A Ms. Lock
Cultural Identity-Key Questions to consider W L Know-What do I know about cultural identity? Wonder- What do I want to know about cultural identity? How does it connect to my life or something else that I have done? Learn- Why is learning about cultural identity important? What did I learn from our discussion? In your notebook answer the questions above. Use a KWL chart. After you have finished the first 2 columns, discuss the third column question with a partner and record your discussion answer.
Cultural Identity “Identity is different from personality in important respects. We may share personality traits with other people, but sharing an identity suggests some active engagement on our part. (… )Personality describes qualities individuals may have, such as being outgoing or shy, internal characteristics.” ( people/sociology/identity-question/content-section-1.1)
Cultural Identity-Key Terms-Perspective Perspective (noun) Level 4 I can define it and explain it’s meaning to someone else. Level 3 I have a good sense of the meaning of the word when I see it or hear it. Level 2 I’m a little uncertain about what the term means, but I have a general. Level 1 I’m very uncertain about the term. I really don’t understand what it means.
Cultural Identity-Key Terms-Perspective Synonyms of Perspective= angle, aspect, attitude, broad view, context, frame of reference, headset, landscape, mindset, objectivity, overview, panorama, proportion, prospect, relation, relative importance, relativity, scene, size of it, viewpoint, vista, way of looking -Perspective -Multiple Perspectives - YouTube
Cultural Identity-Key Term-Perspective This Land is Ours Whose perspective (apart from his own) is actually represented in the song? Do you feel adequately represented in his song? The Maple Leaf Forever Proud to be Canadian
Cultural Identity-Key Term-Perspective Noun= What is Romeo’s perspective on love? Go back to your rating sheet and fill out your understanding of the word Perspective in the second rating space. Did your rating change? Why? Write your own definition, description, or explanation of the new word or a brief picture or graphic representing the new word.
Cultural Identity-Key Term-Perspective Share your answer with your 3 o’clock partner. Finally, fill out the 3rd rating line. Did your rating change?
Cultural Identity-Key Term-Culture Flip your rating sheet over. Rate your understanding of the term Culture.
Cultural Perspective-Key Term-Culture Synonyms of culture= civilization, development, folklore, habit, knowledge, lifestyle, society, way of life, convention, customs, ethnology, grounding, humanism, mores. O Canada-Sarah McLachlan Team Canada-O Canada Anything for Hockey Rate your understanding by rating #2. Did your rating change?
Cultural Identity-Key Term-Culture Write your own definition, description, or explanation of the new word or a brief picture or graphic representing the new word. Share your response with your 12 O’Clock Partner.
Cultural Identity-Key Term-Culture “Whenever people form a group of any size, they develop, share and teach social norms that help them carry on together. Most of these norms are unconscious “rules” that impact every level of each person’s life. A broad definition of culture might be the sum of each of those levels: Beliefs Values Attitudes Perceptions Behaviors
Cultural Identity-Key Term-Culture Our cultural training starts the moment we are born. For instance, pink and blue newborn head covering cues everyone who interacts with the baby to treat the child as either a "girl" or a "boy," according to the culture's norms. Like an iceberg, most of this social programming is under the surface. Our perceptions, attitudes, values and beliefs lie below the surface, or "below the water." Only our behaviors, including our spoken thoughts, are evident to others, or "above the water." (
Cultural Identity-Key Terms Cultural identity stems from culture in that it is the broad term people (from multiple ethnic backgrounds) might use to identify that they belong to the same culture. It is a broad term because people might share a language or a broad history, but still have distinct ethnic and religious identities. For the sake of the unit to come we will use the broad definition that cultural identity is a system of understanding.
Cultural Identity-Key Terms Think of a definition or explanation for the following words: attitude, belief, value. What relationship does cultural identity have to our school/community/city/country? Why is it important to understand perspective? What might be the benefits of knowing multiple perspectives? What are some perspectives you would expect to encounter in a unit on Canadian identity?
Cultural Identity-Key Term-Exit Slip Name:_______________________ Date:___________________________ 1. Why are perspective and cultural identity important? 2. Using what you have learned during this lesson, how do you think perspective and cultural identity relate to Canadian Culture? 3. Describe something you understand better as a result of this lesson.