The Joy of Musical Literacy PROFESSOR PAUL KAUFFMAN Erasmus + KA1 in GRANADA, Spain, the main objective of this courses is to give to music teachers or institutions with choral associations entry level skills to allow them to read a vocal music score. CONFIRMED DATES FULLY FUNDED BY ERASMUS + TRAINING COURSES More information
The Joy of Musical Literacy: Objectives The main objective of this course is to give to music teachers or institutions with choral associations entry level skills to allow them to read a vocal music score. It is aimed at directors of choirs, who cope with teaching pieces which are learned primarily by ear, with its inherent problems. It is also aimed at sectional leaders of the various voices in choirs, to support their choir directors by helping others learn basic musical sight reading skills.
The Joy of Musical Literacy Course benefits Eliminate the mystery of music scores. Enhance the pleasure of the singers by giving them confidence. Reduce the time it takes to learn a new piece. Eliminate recurring mistakes in performance. It is not the objective to replace formal music training.
The Joy of Musical Literacy Description This course employs a base of major and minor scales in the various key signatures for tonal orientation, leading singers to later identify and sing more atonal music using intervals.
The Joy of Musical Literacy Methodology Theory: Explaining the course through lectures and discussion. Application: Using a workbook to practice the concepts given and discussing how to apply them to the various solfege methods employed throughout the EU.
Paul Kauffman Music education graduate of Cedarville University, Cedarville, Ohio, USA. Music teacher and choral director at the secondary and junior college level in central Ohio. Director of seasonal commuity and church choirs. Extensive singing experience in choirs, quartets and vocal ensembles in both the USA and Granada, Spain.