NJERI KAMATU & LYDIA KARINGITHI Flexible Work Schedules for KenGen Employees NJERI KAMATU & LYDIA KARINGITHI Projects Engineer – Central Office Senior Internal Audit Analyst - Central Office Motivation for the paper Increased time & costs while commuting Parents of young children Absentee parenting
Background Literature review Data Analysis Conclusion Presentation Outline Background Literature review Data Analysis Conclusion
Employees backbone of an organization 1. Background Acknowledgments Employees backbone of an organization Health and wellbeing = performance organization Flexible work schedules is one tool that will improve performance, well being
2. Literature review Flexible work schedules is a system of working set number of hours with the START and FINISH times agreed upon by the employer and the employee Examples of companies in Kenya: KETRACO, GDC, Safaricom, BAT, Unilever, Kenya Ports Authority, Proctor & Gamble, GlaxoSmithKline
2. Literature Review Flexible work arrangements i)Flexible working hours ii)A compressed working schedule iii)Job share iv)Telecommuting v)Part-time work vi)Special arrangements (mature-aged, disabilities)
Utilization of the clock in system 2. Literature review Assumptions of Flexible Time Utilization of the clock in system Staff culture and discipline to embrace flexible work schedules Real time transparent monitoring available to staff and company
2. Literature review NEED BENEFIT of FLEXITIME -0% lateness JOH-KGN001-20071212-JvW-X1 2. Literature review NEED BENEFIT of FLEXITIME 1. Save KenGen Money > 50,000,000 per month -0% lateness -Better management of company time -100% presence , fresh, alert, productive -12 hour economy (6am-6pm) -50% reduction on medical costs -Add to benefits - Medicare, mortgage -Decreased staff turnover : safaricom, P&G -Implementation cost Ksh 0 (SAP and biometrics)
2. Literature review NEED BENEFIT of FLEXITIME 2. Save staff money over Ksh 150,000 per month -rising transportation costs > 60,000 (staff + spouse) -spouse car > 2,000,000 -rent to mortgage >60,000 pm -school bus >40,000 (2 children) -Nanny & care givers >10,000 pm -Boarding fee >70,000 -Medical care >100,000 pa
2. Literature review NEED BENEFIT of FLEXITIME 3. Early rising, late returns, insecurity, fatigue ,stress, frustrations -Work life balance -Safe happy, healthy, productive, 4. All work and no play -Exercise, social, career advancement 5. Kenyan rush hour reporting time 8 - 5.00pm -Part solution to Nairobi traffic 6. Over 63% of staff are young parents - absentee parenting to nannies & teachers -Present at home to raise responsible children and future Kenyans
2. Literature review NEED BENEFIT of FLEXITIME 7. Bad culture of indiscipline Good culture of self discipline 8. Law -Breastfeeding Mothers Bill 2017 -Be ahead of enforcement 9. Environment -Reduced emissions, pollution, carbon foot print 10. We lead and others follow -multiplier effect -KenGen > 8,000 -Kenya Power > 10,000 -Nairobi stock exchange > 1,000,000 -Kenyan Civil Servants > 1,000,000
2. Literature review Proposed Schedules – 12 hour economy Reporting time Departure time 6.00 a.m. (Earliest reporting) 3.00 p.m. (Earliest leaving) 7.00 a.m. 4.00 p.m. 8.00 a.m. 5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. (Latest reporting) 6.00 p.m. (Latest leaving) Common meetings: 9.00 am – 3.00 pm Reduced lunch time hours
2. Literature review Tools for Managing Flextime i) Clear flexi time work policy ii) Monitoring system available to staff and management real time iii) Top to bottom support iv) Strengthen employer employee relationships v) Understand the needs of the staff vi) Begin pilot test implementation
JOH-KGN001-20071212-JvW-X1 3. Data Analysis
JOH-KGN001-20071212-JvW-X1 3. Data Analysis
4. Conclusion Kengen's competitive edge will not be gained by retaining traditional work methods Flexi time schedules are a win win model for KenGen and her employees Set up a Project Implementation Team Pilot test of flexi time between 6.00 am and 6.00 pm. KenGen has no control on traffic patterns but can implement flexi time to reduce staff stress If we don’t implement other will and staff will follow