3 How to increase the employability of doctorate holders? University-Industry collaborative programmes Luciano Saso Deputy Rector for International.


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Presentation transcript:

3 How to increase the employability of doctorate holders? University-Industry collaborative programmes Luciano Saso Deputy Rector for International Mobility Member of the UNICA Steering Committee (luciano.saso@uniroma1.it)

Bologna Process (1999-)

Employability: 1st and 3rd cycle!

EU's response to the economic crisis?

From the Lisbon Strategy to "Europe 2020" The Lisbon Strategy for growth and jobs, launched in 2000 by the European Council, was the EU's joint response to facing the challenges of globalisation, demographic change and the knowledge society. It aimed at making Europe more dynamic and competitive to secure a prosperous, fair and environmentally sustainable future for all citizens http://ec.europa.eu/education/focus/focus479_en.htm http://ec.europa.eu/education/focus/focus479_en.htm

Doctoral programmes in Europe (PhD) Doctoral Candidates should not be defined as “students” A Doctoral Candidate is recruited for elaborating a research project and is expected to provide new knowledge and/or understanding of a specific issue. Doctoral Candidate is more than a student; she/he is a researcher at an early stage of her/his career. Doctoral candidates as early stage researchers should be recognised as professionals – with commensurate rights http://www.eurodoc.net/news/2012/05/18/defining-doctoral-candidates-as-professionals

Caution: double-edged sword! academic and non academic careers!

Research careers

Researcher Development Framework Vitae®, © 2011 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited

Researcher Development Framework The professional development framework to realise the potential of researchers

4 domains 12 sub-domains 63 descriptors 11 11

Researchers are critical to economic success Researchers’ careers span a wider variety of employment sectors Vitae®, © 2011 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited

Excellent non academic careeer for doctorate holders Research careers

Highly developed transferable skills Problem solving Creativity and originality Team playing Leadership Supervision and teaching Communication Autonomy Project management Fund raising Patience etc

EUA DOC-CAREERS report : collaborative Doctoral Education: University-Industry Partnerships for Enhancing Knowledge Exchange The study “Collaborative Doctoral Education: University-Industry Partnerships for Enhancing Knowledge Exchange” involved 33 universities, 31 companies, and 18 other stakeholder organisations, from 20 different countries across Europe www.eua.be/eua-work-and-policy-area/research-and-innovation/doctoral-education/doc-careers/

T he Doctoral Candidate as a Link between University and Industry


Titolo Presentazione 29/04/2019

«Hidden» job opportunities for doctorate holders in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Innovation (not only in research) Globalization Fund raising Participation to competitive project schemes etc.

20.-21.01.2005 Tallinn, Estonia FP7: PEOPLE (Marie Curie) http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/people/home_en.html Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways - IAPP

Quality Employability Mobility ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS EMPLOYERS 20.-21.01.2005 Tallinn, Estonia ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS Mobility Quality Employability EMPLOYERS

HORIZON 2020: (2014-2020)

Thank you for your attention 20.-21.01.2005 Tallinn, Estonia Thank you for your attention luciano.saso@uniroma1.it