Showtime: Dressing for a Successful Job Interview Eaglevision Ministries Dr. LaClaire Bouknight
Basic Principles of Attire This is your opportunity to shine This is your first impression You will be judged by your appearance Attire should be comfortable
Nonverbals: What are you Really Saying Handshake Eye contact Hand movements Posture, gestures, facial expressions Tone of voice
Men and Women No visible Body piercings
Men and Women Cover tattoos
Men and Women Clean bathed body No candy, gum, or cigarettes Minimal or no cologne or perfume No Doo Rags
Men and Women Light briefcase or portfolio Clean trimmed fingernails
Men and Women Clean, well groomed hairstyle Clean, polished conservative shoes
Women Skirt-Suit or Pant-Suit Conservative shoes, not stilettos Brief case rather than large purse Conservative nail polish No noisy jewelry
Women One set of earrings Conservative hosiery Conservative make-up Hair out of the face Sit with legs together Avoid low cut tops
Women Avoid mid-drift baring clothing Avoid showing thongs Avoid provocative clothing and accessories
Men Dark shoes Dark socks Short hair is best Beards are usually a handicap Mustaches must be trimmed No rings except college or wedding band
Men No earrings, take them out Conservative necktie Conservative suit in dark blue or grey No red, purple, or lime green suits Conservative white or pastel shirt
Showtime! Jobs! Go Get Them!
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