Minnie Goes To The Beach Minnie Goes To The Beach Rebecca Sessions Rebecca Sessions
kOnce upon a time Minnie and her favorite brother Joey were playing happily in their room. Then their mother Ursula came up with the idea that every one was cramped up in the house so she decided to take a trip to the beach. So she went up stairs to tell theme and they were so happy, because they had been asking them for a while to go to the beach. But she always had to say no because she was to busy taking care of her new born baby Mark. So they stood up and began to clean up so they could leave sooner.
So after they had gotten to the beach they all got so excited. But their mom said, first you have to help unpack and then we have to put our sun screen on. But they didn t so there mom decided to teach theme a lesson and didn t get the beach bag out of the car and as we all no they were staying there for a weekend. When they were ready to go swimming the bags were all still in the car so they went to ask there mom if they could go swimming she said that they could wait because they had all weekend to get the bags out of the car. So they decided to just get their swimsuits out of their bags. So they went to the trunk and tried to get there suits out but when Joey tried to get his suit out his suit- case flew out and his clothes were all over the place. So then Minnie tried to get her swimsuit out and she found her suit in the suitcase so she pulled and pulled then her suit broke.
Chapter 3 kSo Minnie went to her mom to tell her what had happened and she said that she could fix it but it was in the suitcase and she said that we had all weekend to fix it. So they finally decided to help clean there clothes that brother dropped in the mud and take their suitcases in to the hotel room. And they were cleaning every thing. And even Ursula pitched in and helped, it only took them 20 minutes.
kMinnie finally got her bathing suit fixed and they were playing in the water all by there self. Then their mom took Mark into the water to play ball with him. We all joined in and had the best time ever. They played till the sun went down. They got out and had some dinner.
Chapter 5 kIt felt like we were only there a day. But when we got up the next morning we had to leave. So we ate some complementary breakfast and packed our bags and got ready to leave. We were about to leave but then we remembered we almost forgot our dog bon-bon. Man that would have been scary if we for got him. We all got home safe and had the best weekend ever. The End kIt felt like we were only there a day. But when we got up the next morning we had to leave. So we ate some complementary breakfast and packed our bags and got ready to leave. We were about to leave but then we remembered we almost forgot our dog bon-bon. Man that would have been scary if we for got him. We all got home safe and had the best weekend ever. The End