What about stress – is that different? What is it all about? What is anxiety? We all feel anxious from time to time. It’s a normal reaction to events in our lives such as hospital appointments, money concerns or sitting exams. But if anxiety is making your life difficult, or you feel as if you can’t stop worrying, then you may have an anxiety disorder. What about stress – is that different? Stress is not a mental health diagnosis, but it can make you feel really upset and anxious. Sometimes people might feel more comfortable talking about stress than about mental health, and so it’s good to recognise there is a difference between the two. Some people find it helpful to separate the terms stress and pressure. Stress can be an overwhelming, negative experience but pressure is a more positive force that can help us get things done. If you feel stressed a lot, you might develop depression or an anxiety disorder Feelings of anxiety are extremely common. You're not alone in this and you don't have to keep it to yourself.
What does anxiety feel like? Have physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, dizziness, sickness or a tight chest Feel anxious or worried a lot of the time Feel constantly on edge Feel irritable Get worried about stuff other people are fine about Avoid situations that make you anxious Feel panicky or have panic attacks Have difficulties sleeping or eating
What strategies did Joey use to over come his worries/anxiety? Hyperlink to Video What strategies did Joey use to over come his worries/anxiety?
HELP! I need help with this – what should I do? Anxiety can make you feel worried or scared about seeking help. But there are lots of options available. You could Call a helpline or find online support. Young Minds and Mind both have lots of useful advice Talk to someone you trust – this could be a teacher, school mentor, friend or someone in your family Visit your doctor. If you find your anxiety hard to talk about, try writing things down to help you explain. The GP might suggest some treatment to help you manage your anxiety. What can I do to help myself? There are things you can do to help yourself cope. These include: eating well – trying to get a balanced diet trying to get enough sleep Not smoking or drinking caffeine getting some exercise and fresh air practising deep breathing. Try three seconds in, three seconds out through the nose. If you breathe with your tummy and not your chest you are likely to take deeper breaths.