Targeting and Building Your Audience Through Facebook Advertising
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Introduction Facebook has become the dominant player in the world of social media with 2.01 Billion active daily users. Almost half are using the mobile app. 52% of people now get their information from Facebook. Facebook is a great equalizer when it comes to getting your message out. “Paying to Play” on Facebook can change the game for many locals.
FACEBOOK STATS Daily Users: 2.01 Billion Daily users. 1.1 billion on mobile 82% of 18-29 year-olds use Facebook 79% of people 30-49 56% of people 65 and up 44% are women, 56% are men. Everyone on Facebook is connected to one another by an average of 3.57 degrees of separation.
FACEBOOK STATS Nearly 85% of Facebook’s daily active users are outside of the U.S. and Canada. Facebook accounts for one out of every six minutes spent online. People spend more than 20 minutes a day on Facebook. Users generate 4 million likes per minute. 8 Billion video views a day/100 million hours watched a day 85% of videos on Facebook are watched without the sound on.
FACEBOOK STATS 66% of Facebook users get their news from Facebook 88% of millennials get their news on Facebook. Your post will have made 75% of its lifetime impressions after just two and a half hours. Images are responsible for 75-90% of an ad’s performance Captioned video ads increase video view time by 12% Most effective length for an ad title is 4 words. 15 for link description.
GOALS Gain an understanding of the power at your fingertips. Express the importance of budgeting for online ads. Discuss the two ways you can advertise on Facebook. Go through the purchase process Design and Purchase an ad
Why Advertise on Facebook More and more people get their news from Facebook. Peer recommendations fare much better than company advertising. When a friends shares your issue, there is a greater possibility for action. Most importantly, it is crucial to build an audience for your campaign or issue that can actually take action on that issue.
The Importance of Building Your Audience The most important part of advertising on Facebook is to ensure that your local generates followers that can act upon a call to action. The majority of your followers must live in your jurisdiction. You have to be able to put out a call to action and have people respond. If you do so and your elected officials do not hear from anyone, it will only empower them. Locals must start moving towards adding a line in their budget for continual advertising and strengthening of outreach.
SAN ANTONIO TEXAS LOCAL 624 The Importance of Building Your Audience SAN ANTONIO TEXAS LOCAL 624 TOTAL LIKES- 48,840
Facebook Ads Manager - Ads Manager is where advertisers can quickly see how their ads are performing — across Facebook and Instagram — to help them make smart changes based on performance metrics. - In Ads Manager, you can: - View all of your campaigns, ad sets, and ads. - Stop or restart your campaigns, ad sets, and ads. - Make changes to your bids and budgets. - Access your billing summary to see payment history and payment method information. - Access and export your ad reports.
Facebook Ads Manager The Ads Create Tool, which you'll find by clicking on the green Create Ad icon found at the top right of Ads Manager, is where you can create your campaigns, ad sets, and ads. As you create your campaign, you'll be guided through the steps of: - Choosing the best objective to meet your marketing goals. - Choosing the right audience so you can personalize your content at scale. setting your campaign budget. - Choosing the right bidding strategy. - Choosing your creative (images and/or videos). - Selecting ad placements (News Feed, right column, Instagram, and the Audience Network)
Facebook Ads Manager
Boosting Your Post
Boosting Your Post The easiest way to increase your presence for one post for a short amount of time. Easy way to target the people in your community with a quick hit on what you are doing at that present time. Relatively simple process once your credit card is attached. Pictures and infographics have word limits on boosted posts.
Check Your Analytics
Let’s Boost and Strategically Target a Post