Political Cartoon Project Practice Questions to ask and be able to answer about a visual. All of these questions will be answered in no more than 2 tight, succinct sentences. Choose your words carefully. (From Picturing Texts, Norton, ©2004.) What is the creator trying to accomplish through his or her work? What aspect of the work first captures your attention and why? What do you like best about the work? Least about the work? Why did the creator organize the work the way he or she did? What is the overall tone or mood of the work? How does the work reveal the creator’s attitude toward the subject? toward the audience? Why did the creator choose this medium rather than another? What is the point of view of the work? Is the message of the work specific or universal? Is there a secondary message in the work? If the creator included text, what does the text add to the piece? Does it detract from the piece? How can this visual further the argument you will need to make in an essay?