PHONES UP Be ready for a verbal warm up and notes


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Presentation transcript:

PHONES UP Be ready for a verbal warm up and notes

Red Scare Iron Curtain Containment Cold War Match the following: Red Scare Iron Curtain Containment Cold War Imaginary line separating European communist and democratic countries Ideological conflict between communism and democracy Keeping communism from spreading The fear of communism infiltrating the US government

Truman’s International Policies TEKS: 2A, 8A, 12B, 17B, 18B

REFRESHER: Yalta Conference Liberated countries in Europe have freely elected governments Did Soviets follow? Democracy vs Communism

REFRESHER: Potsdam Conference Continuation from Yalta Germany demilitarized and disarmed Germany AND Berlin will be split to 4 zones

Discussion: Are all communist countries post WWII willingly communist? Could this cause issues? If so, what kind? Is the US in a position to help these countries? Why or why not?

Topics Summary Box: US International policies and Organizations Write each of the topics below in a box on your summary sheet: Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan NATO Warsaw Pact In your pods, divide the topics among yourselves and use the book to write a summary of the topic. Then, teach your pod about your topic. YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES

Truman Doctrine (March 1947) Truman doctrine - American foreign policy created to counter Soviet geopolitical spread during the Cold War. It was first announced to Congress by President Harry S.Truman on March 12, 1947 and further developed on July 12, 1948 when he pledged to contain Soviet threats to Greece and Turkey.

Marshall Plan (June 1947) Marshall Plan - was an American initiative to aid Western Europe, in which the United States gave over $12 billion (approximately $120 billion in current dollar value as of June 2016) in economic support to help rebuild Western European economies after the end of World War II

Discussion: What is the difference between the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan? How do these policies directly help democratic European countries? How might these policies change the relationship between the USA and the Soviet Union? Discussion question

Berlin Blockade & Airlift 1948-1949 •USSR not happy USA is providing resources for their countries East notices West is more advanced •Blocks roads and bridges to West •Allies cannot get supplies in •USA used planes! NATO created immediately after How could this have affected the US and Soviet relationship? Use the underlined Berlin Airlift link to show personal accounts of the Berlin Airlift

NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1949) SEATO (1954) Warsaw Pact (1955) NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1949) Defense against communism in the Southeast Asia region Created after West Germany joined NATO coincidence ? Does the same as NATO, but assures Communist countries Allowed for tighter control over satellite states Assured military assistance of those in the treaty Helped economics and politics in Europe

Discussion: How could the creation of NATO, SEATO, and the Warsaw Pact cause tension?

Answer in your notes: Purpose of NATO? What is Article 5? WHen was Article 5 first used? What is the % that America pays for NATO defense spending? What happened in 2014 that caused the US to send more troops to Europe?

Summary Box In the middle of your box for the main idea, write: How do all of these international organizations affect the United States? Answer in the space given below.

Sticky Note Exit Ticket Which sentence best completes this diagram? The president authorizes a military strike against forces threatening the borders of Western Europe. Congress appropriates funding for nuclear arms facilities in Western Europe. The president signs a treaty requiring reparations to be paid to Western European Countries. Congress passes a bill to provide financial assistance to Western European countries.