Valencia ELD 11/9/16 Teresa Shermer Valencia ELD Coordinator, Data Coach, And Accelerate 9/10 teacher
Limited English Proficient We currently have 316 students who are classified as Limited English Proficient (18 more than last year)
Limited English Students by grade 9th- 106 10th- 97 11th- 68 12th- 45
Valencia’s ELD Department Emerging ELA-Newcomers + Emerging ELD- (2 period block) ELD Guidance- Newcomers (1 period)
More Advanced Levels Critical Reading 2- (1 period) or Accelerate 9/10 or 11/12 LA 1 Integrated for Celdt 4s & 5s and LA 1 Designated for Celdt 3s and struggling 4s LA 2, 3, & 4 ALD (Academic Language Development) : transition between ELD and Mainstream Language Arts- meets the graduation requirement and the b requirement for the CSU and UC university systems.
ELD Guidance and Accelerate ELD Guidance- for newcomers in their first few years The class includes grammar, speaking, and support in their math and other core classes. Accelerate 9/10* & 11/12- support academic vocabulary, reading and writing, organization, and collaborative study time (two days a week for either math, science, history, and language arts). * Are included in AVID field trips and activities and may be able to join AVID 10 or 11 if their GPA and classes meet eligibility.
2016 CELDT Finished last week Results come in late January SPED students tested with their SPED teachers or case carrier in a smaller environment with their appropriate accommodations.
English Learner* RECLASSIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Overall CELDT score of Early Advanced (4) or Advanced (5), but no subskill area below Intermediate (3) Voyager score- 930+ for current 9th/ writing 3 or higher Voyager score- 960+ for current 10th/ writing 3 or higher CAHSEE Language Arts- pass for current 12th English/language arts teacher’s approval (C or above in LA class) Or a 2.00 overall GPA on the most recent semester grades Parent notification 8
Reclassification 2015/2016: VHS Annual Reclassification Rate= 20% District annual goal= 18%
Long Term English Learners Abbreviated L.T.E.L.= a student who has been in the United States learning English for 6 or more years
LTEL Statistics Of the 316 Valencia LEP students, 272 are LTELs (86%)
Learning English Faster for Newcomers READ in English TV shows and movies in English Strengthen their 1st language Use only English at school, even with friends Just keep talking & trying, don’t worry about being embarrassed or making mistakes.
Long Term English Learner Tips READ in English Don’t accept Ds and Fs without a fight; find a solution- go to tutoring, ask the teacher, ask older siblings Do and turn in homework Study for tests- use flash cards, review your notes, use a study partner, review your notes again, etc… Ask questions during class if you don’t understand. Participate in class discussions.
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