Proposed Way Forward for LSI-VC, SDCG for GFOI, and GEOGLAM


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Presentation transcript:

Proposed Way Forward for LSI-VC, SDCG for GFOI, and GEOGLAM Proposed Way Forward for LSI-VC, SDCG for GFOI, and GEOGLAM * Outcome from September 2018 joint LSI-VC / SDCG for GFOI / GEOGLAM Meeting (For Information) Steve Labahn (USGS), LSI-VC Co-Lead LSI-VC Co-Leads: Susanne Mecklenburg (ESA) and Adam Lewis (GA) SDCG for GFOI Co-Leads: Frank Martin Seifert (ESA), Joanne Nightingale (UKSA) GEOGLAM Co-Leads: Brad Doorn (NASA), Philippe Maisongrande (CNES) 2018 CEOS Plenary Agenda Item 6.8 Brussels, Belgium 16-18 October 2018

Current Situation SDCG for GFOI and GEOGLAM teams are “Ad Hoc”, yet have existed for many years and have demonstrated significant contributions to GEO flagships. CEOS Ad Hoc SDCG for GFOI established in 2011 (7 years) CEOS Ad Hoc Working Group on GEOGLAM established in 2012 (6 years) Continued annual approvals create uncertainty in the CEOS support to GEO flagships. Most agree that a permanent solution is needed. Secretariat support is desired for LSI-VC and both Ad Hoc teams. An opportunity exists to optimize this support, while also addressing annual concern about funding this support.

Options 3 Options Considered Status Quo – Continued annual renewal of Ad Hoc Teams Create one (or more) new WGs or VCs to address Forests and Ag Merge Forest/Ag groups into LSI-VC (now or later)

Pros and Cons Option 1 Status Quo Option 2 New WGs / VCs Option 3 New LSI-VC Sub-groups Pros Continued strong independent identity for SDCG for GFOI and GEOGLAM Permanent existence Operational efficiencies – SEC support and combined meetings Technical efficiencies – ARD and interoperability, consolidated and optimized missions and measurements Strategic efficiencies – GEO, UN Cons Continued annual renewal and related uncertainty Annual uncertainty with SEC support Additional administrative overhead for the new WGs / VCs as well as for other CEOS organizational entities (Chair, SIT, CEO, SEO) Additional SEC support Risk losing “identity” to outside stakeholders and direct access to CEOS Agencies Risk losing visibility and reporting time at major CEOS meetings Will other GEO initiatives (e.g., GEOBON) seek to have the same arrangement under LSI-VC and add complexity to the solution? Concern of LSI-VC taking on too much since its “revitalization”. The team has proven it can produce significant results and that with Forests and Ag maintaining their leadership structure and resources, there would be little remaining concern or additional LSI-VC leadership burden.

Proposed Solution LSI-VC > Maintain existing work (ARD, Interoperability) > Add new Forests and Ag Sub-groups SDCG for GFOI > Transition > New LSI-VC Forests Sub-group GEOGLAM > Transition > New LSI-VC Ag Sub-group SEC support can be leveraged across all groups for operational efficiencies

Virtual Constellation (LSI-VC) Agriculture Sub-group New LSI-VC Plan Land Surface Imaging Virtual Constellation (LSI-VC) ARD Interoperability Requirements/Gaps SEC Support Forests Sub-group Tasks Agriculture Sub-group Chair Lead External Policy coordination Satellite Data (requirements, ARD production, access, tools, data services)

Reporting and Meetings Topical Sub-groups (Forests and Ag) continue to have their own focused meetings, as needed Continue annual joint meeting, bringing together LSI-VC, Forests, and Ag Add Forests and Ag Sub-group reports to CEOS Plenary as part of the GEO session (i.e., reporting on GEO Flagship contributions)

Timeline  SIT-TW (September 2018) Present proposal for review and comment  Plenary (October 2018) Request annual renewals for SDCG for GFOI and GEOGLAM Review proposal and prepare for a decision to merge groups into LSI-VC with an updated LSI-VC Terms of Reference to follow SIT-34 (April 2019) Present a new LSI-VC Terms of Reference for review Plenary (October 2019) Make final decision