ENG 1D1 Tuesday May 5th, 2015
Today’s Agenda Introduction to William Shakespeare A Scavenger Hunt for Twelfth Night Homework: Continue to read 2/5th of your ISU novel. Journal #2 due Monday May 11th
Books, Journals and Housekeeping (Casselman) Late Journals from yesterday Are due today, no exceptions If you want feedback, it has to be in today. Bring them up now! Chrysalid’s novels If you have one I need it, bring it up now! Notes on ISU: You can read ahead, but do the journal before you read ahead please Make sure you keep up with the reading and journal schedule, things will get busy with Twelfth Night
Introduction to WIlliam Shakespeare As we go through the powerpoint, please complete this fill in the blank note
A Scavenger Hunt for Twelfth Night Let’s get familiar with the playbook Sign out your copy of Twelfth Night and get ready to participate in a scavenger hunt!!! Click on the first image to access the activity.
Homework Continue to read the 2/5th of your ISU novel. Journal #2 due Monday May 11th typed double spaced We will be reading Twelfth Night in class only! You are responsible for your ISU at home. This means your text must be in class everyday for you to read!