Central Connecticut State University
INSTITUTION: Central Connecticut State University NAMES of Team members: Doug Carter, Barbara Nicholson, Mark Jackson, Eileen Roark, Mary Ann Zabik VISION – To develop assessments at various points in the program ie entry , intermediate and end levels Strengths: Mapping of Core Concepts and Competencies but we don’t have good data
Evaluate Set Goals We completed the PULSE Rubrics and determined that we need to improve the Assessment of the six core concepts and Competencies at the program level Set Goals What are the goals for your department? To develop assessments at the program entry point, intermediate point and end point
Outcomes What are your short term outcomes? Implement pre-test into core course immediately-all the instructors are here What are your midterm outcomes? What are your long term outcomes? Final assessment- capstone – develop one or develop / select key course that students take/ or online assessment
Activities and Resources What activities will help you meet these goals? What resources will you use? Blackboard for the initial pre-test quiz/ open ended questions A Committee to score the pre-test PUSLE resources
Plan and Implement What is your timeline for planning and implementation? Fall 14 assessment for entry level Bio 1 Fall 15 assessment at intermediate level- integrative bio course (Bio 3)
Evaluate How will you assess your progress? How will you know when you reach your goal? We need to develop an assessment plan