802.11 TGn Frame Format AdHoc Operation Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0689r0 2006-05-15 802.11 TGn Frame Format AdHoc Operation Date: 2006-05-15 Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.11. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.11. Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <http:// ieee802.org/guides/bylaws/sb-bylaws.pdf>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair <stuart.kerry@philips.com> as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.11 Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at <patcom@ieee.org>. Peter Loc, Marvell Matthew Fischer, Broadcom
Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0689r0 2006-05-15 Abstract This presentation describes how the 802.11 TGn Frame Format LB84 comment resolution ad hoc will conduct its business Peter Loc, Marvell Matthew Fischer, Broadcom
Agenda Summary of total # of comments Session Schedule 2006-05-15 Agenda Summary of total # of comments Session Schedule Review and accept operating guidelines Frame Format comment resolution ad hoc Overview of comment spreadsheet Start resolving MAC comments in order: Page(Ed), Clause(Ed), Line(Ed) Check point - At the start of the Wed 1:30 – 3:30 pm session Review progress and approach and if needed, make changes to the approach Peter Loc, Marvell
Frame format related comments 2006-05-15 Frame format related comments DT ST T Total 117 92 336 545 Peter Loc, Marvell
Frame Format Adhoc Sessions Schedule 2006-05-15 Frame Format Adhoc Sessions Schedule There are 5 sessions to be held in Grand B4 Tue 5/16 8 – 10 am 10:30 – 12:30 pm 7:30 – 9:30 pm Wed 5/17 1:30 – 3:30pm 4:00 – 6:00pm Peter Loc, Marvell
2006-05-15 Mission The mission of the Frame Format Ad Hoc is to recommend a resolution the each related comments submitted in response to LB84. The ad hoc is not empowered to make changes to the draft or to give instructions to the editor. All instructions to the editor must derive from the body of TGn through a 75% vote. Where possible, we will attempt to reach consensus on comment resolution. Where we cannot reach consensus, we will ask for volunteer to own the comment resolution and report back to the group in future meetings. Peter Loc, Marvell
Goals for the May Session 2006-05-15 Goals for the May Session Our goal for this sessions is To recommend explicit resolution of as many comments as is practical If it is not possible to recommend a resolution, our goal is to assign volunteers to author submissions. We prefer that various authors work together to create one submission However, where this is a difference of opinion that we cannot expect to resolve, we will accept volunteers for multiple submissions Volunteers will be recorded in the spreadsheet Pass comments off to other ad hocs or to the editor if resolving it does not fit within the focus of our Ad Hoc, or if similar comments exist in another group and we wish to have them grouped elsewhere Peter Loc, Marvell
What comments fall to the Frame Format Ad Hoc? Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0689r0 2006-05-15 What comments fall to the Frame Format Ad Hoc? Our ad hoc will address comments that primarily relate to clause 7 A few comments are on clause 11.14 (A-MPDU operation) Peter Loc, Marvell Matthew Fischer, Broadcom
Conduct of Meetings within May Session 2006-05-15 Conduct of Meetings within May Session Our first agenda item will go through the comments in order – Page(Ed), Clause(Ed), Line(Ed) Once the order has been agreed to by the ad hoc, we will not alter the order without a very compelling reason. (This is to allow members an idea of what we’ll discuss in advance so they can decide which sessions to attend.) On the start of our first Wednesday meeting we’ll examine our progress an decide whether to change our approach (for example, we might decide to solicit authors for remaining comments requiring submissions in favor of resolving comments) Otherwise, at the start of each two hour session we’ll take up where we left off in the previous sessions Peter Loc, Marvell
Comment Resolution For each comment we will either 2006-05-15 Comment Resolution For each comment we will either Identify comments on the same/similar issue (even if proposed resolutions are contrary) Recommend a resolution Assign volunteer author(s) to create submission(s) (if needed) Refer the comment to another ah hoc or the editor If we cannot accomplish any of these, we will skip to the next comment (but we should discourage this behavior) When we encounter a comment that is a similar to another comment, we will refer the resolution to the resolution of the first comment Any new comments that are referred to us by another ad hoc will be added to the end of the list. Peter Loc, Marvell
2006-05-15 Comment Resolution We will attempt to reach a consensus on each resolution. However, if we have a division of option, we may present multiple options to TGn We will not spend a lot of time during the May session in getting consensus We propose a 5 minute limit on discussion of each comment We will allow one 5 minute extension on this time limit if there is a consensus that we can make progress. If we encounter a comment similar to a previous comment we timed-out on, we will skip this comment (and mark it as similar to previously discussed CID) We do not expect to review any technical contributions during the May session unless we have completed the first pass through all the comments. The group may choose instead, to review submissions in the 4 –6 pm session on Wednesday. Following each 2-hour MAC adhoc session, the latest spreadsheet will be uploaded ot the server, allowing wider review and eventual TGn voting on the proposed resolutions. Remember that no resolution is final until accepted by TGn. If you are unhappy with the resolution of a comment, you will have another chance in TGn to discuss it as part of the voting process Peter Loc, Marvell
2006-05-15 Submissions We expect to assign volunteer authors to create technical submissions as a means of resolving comments. Many of these submissions will likely be uncontroversial but will not be practical to resolve in a meeting (for example, creating a figure, adding a descriptive paragraph, fixing an equation, re-wording to remove an ambiguity) For these submissions, it will likely be sufficient to supply the proposed alterations to the draft without any other explanation Some topics will be complex and/or controversial and the authors may wish to explain the motivation for their proposals We encourage such explanations to be place in a separate submission form the submission with the proposed disposition of the comment We encourage the authors of such supporting submissions to present them to the body of TGn and not to the ad hoc, though this can be decided in a case-by-case basis In addition to the assigned volunteer authors, others can also volunteer to create additional submissions on the same comments outside the meetings, as long as the topic is still open (waiting for the assigned submissions). Any new volunteers should notify the adhoc chair and the TGn body by email Peter Loc, Marvell
Meeting Rules We will not take attendance at these meetings 2006-05-15 Meeting Rules We will not take attendance at these meetings Meeting minutes will be almost entirely in the form of updates to the spreadsheet Unless a member volunteers to take minutes Any submissions should be in response to an assigned comment. Any independent submissions (not related to specific comments) will be referred to TGn. Such submissions would typically be added to the TGn agenda during the TGn session Peter Loc, Marvell
2006-05-15 Use of Email All emailed messages should be sent on the TGn reflector. This ad hoc does not have its own reflector Please begin the email subject line with “[Frame Format adhoc]” This will allow us to know that the email relates to our ad hoc and allows others to ignore unwanted emails Peter Loc, Marvell
2006-05-15 Comment Spreadsheet Please download the comment spreadsheet for the Frame Format ad hoc. We will update this spreadsheet during our meetings. At the end of each 2-hour meeting, the chair will attempt to load the updated spreadsheet back to the server, with a new revision number. Most of the columns in the spreadsheet are derived from the master spreadsheet (created by the editor) and are explained on the schema tab. The Frame Format tab of the spreadsheet contains Frame Format comments The Frame Format comment tab spreadsheet has been sorted by: Page(Ed), Clause(Ed), Line(Ed) Peter Loc, Marvell
Comment Spreadsheet—Frame Format Tab 2006-05-15 Comment Spreadsheet—Frame Format Tab The type column (L) has been coded by the editorial committee T means technical comment This applies to comments that we expect to resolve quickly ST means submission required technical comment This applied to technical comments that we expect to require submissions DT means disputed technical This applies to technical comments where we expect some contention We will use the type column for non-binding guidance in how to resolve a comment T-try to resolve immediately ST-Solicit a submission DT-solicit multiple submissions, try to resolve, or kick back to TGn Peter Loc, Marvell
Frame Format Tab Columns We Will Update in Ad Hoc 2006-05-15 Frame Format Tab Columns We Will Update in Ad Hoc Resn Status (resolution status) A - accepted R - rejected C - counter (provided in proposed change field) D - Deferred U - No consensus reached in the ad-hoc T - Pending Transfer to another ad-hoc Assignee Name of volunteer(s) to create submission(s) Submission Indicate the IEEE document number holding the submission(s) Peter Loc, Marvell
Frame Format Tab Columns We Expect to Update 2006-05-15 Frame Format Tab Columns We Expect to Update Resolution A description of the resolution, including, possibly, a reference (CID) to the resolution of a separate comment which is requesting a change in the same area (e.g. line number or topic in general) Peter Loc, Marvell
References 11-06-0541-06-000n-tgn-d1-0-lb84.xls 2006-05-15 Peter Loc, Marvell
Frame Format Adhoc Group Status on 5/18 2006-05-15 Frame Format Adhoc Group Status on 5/18 Peter Loc, Marvell
2006-05-15 More details Peter Loc, Marvell
Technical Comments Relating to ANA Assignment of Element IDs 2006-05-15 Technical Comments Relating to ANA Assignment of Element IDs Peter Loc, Marvell
Request for ANA Assignment 2006-05-15 Request for ANA Assignment Request the IEEE 802.11 Assigned Numbers Authority to allocate numbers for the following information elements: HT Capabilities Additional HT Information Extension Channel Offset Reasoning: This is a motion requesting assignment of assigned numbers for information element IDs Enable efforts that will benefit validation/improvements for the draft by finding potential problems Asking for the IDs of the information elements only Peter Loc, Marvell
Next Steps Ask for volunteers to take on remaining comments 2006-05-15 Next Steps Ask for volunteers to take on remaining comments Volunteers to come up with a proposed resolution for peer review Get status updates in the weekly TGn conference call Meet in Santa Clara on May 31st – June 1st Review and reach consensus on proposed resolutions Formulate motions for submission during IEEE San Diego meeting Peter Loc, Marvell