Eyjafjallajokull eruption – Deal or No Deal 1 – 5 Number of cms per year the Eurasian and N American plates are moving apart Degrees Celsius temperature of lava 1000 2.5 Km wide summit caldera Metre Height of Eyjafjallajokull 1666 4 VEI scale Last (previous) eruption 1823 8 Number of days air travel ban in Europe Year of the eruption 2010 14 April – date of jökulhlaup M3/sec the amount of water discharged in the jökulhlaup Upto 3000 20 Percent of Kenya’s economy based on export of perishable goods The number of earthquakes leading upto the eruption 3,000 21 May, date of eruption Metres into the atmosphere the ash reached 11,000 24 % of the material ejected less than 10um (fine grained) Combined average GDP of Europe PPPY ($) 24,400 40 Km2 – size of the (small) Eyjafjallajokull volcano Number of Kenyan farmers temporarily unemployed because beans could not be sold 50,000 150 M Height that lava was spewed into the air Number of flights cancelled during 8 day travel ban 107,000 500 Number of farmers evacuated Number of passengers stranded from banned flights 10 million 700 Number of people evacuated after jökulhlaup Number of million £’s per day that airlines lost 130 million Offer accepted:
Eyjafjallajokull eruption – Deal or No Deal 1 – 5 1000 2.5 1666 4 1823 8 2011 14 Upto 3000 20 The number of earthquakes leading upto the eruption 3,000 21 11,000 24 24,400 40 50,000 150 107,000 500 10 million 700 130 million Offer accepted:
Eyjafjallajokull Eruption– Deal or No Deal
1000 1666 1823 2011 Upto 3000 3,000 11,000 24,400 30,000 50,000 107,000 10 million 130 million 1 – 5 2.5 4 8 14 20 21 24 40 150 500 700
1 – 5 Number of cms per year the Eurasian and N American plates are moving apart
2.5 Km wide summit caldera
4 VEI scale
8 Number of days air travel ban in Europe
April – date of jökulhlaup 14 April – date of jökulhlaup
Percent of Kenya’s economy based on export of perishable goods 20 Percent of Kenya’s economy based on export of perishable goods
21 May, date of eruption
% of the material ejected less than 10um (fine grained) 24 % of the material ejected less than 10um (fine grained)
Km2 – size of the (small) Eyjafjallajokull volcano 40 Km2 – size of the (small) Eyjafjallajokull volcano
M Height that lava was spewed into the air 150 M Height that lava was spewed into the air
Number of farmers evacuated 500 Number of farmers evacuated
Number of people evacuated after jökulhlaup 700 Number of people evacuated after jökulhlaup
Degrees Celsius temperature of lava 1000 Degrees Celsius temperature of lava
Metre Height of Eyjafjallajokull 1666 Metre Height of Eyjafjallajokull
Last (previous) eruption 1823 Last (previous) eruption
2011 Year of the eruption
M3/sec the amount of water discharged in the jökulhlaup (Upto) 3000 M3/sec the amount of water discharged in the jökulhlaup
Metres into the atmosphere the ash reached 11,000 Metres into the atmosphere the ash reached
Combined average GDP of Europe PPPY ($) 24,400 Combined average GDP of Europe PPPY ($)
50,000 Number of Kenyan farmers temporarily unemployed because beans could not be sold
Number of flights cancelled during 8 day travel ban 107,000 Number of flights cancelled during 8 day travel ban
Number of passengers stranded from banned flights 10 million Number of passengers stranded from banned flights
Number of million £’s per day that airlines lost