Goat rev. 2015 Oct 29
There once was a goat named Gordon, Who lived at the top of the hill, But one day he was sorely defeated, By another goat named Bill.
Bereft of all fame and bright riches, He took to the shelter of Braj, And would go each day with Ram-Krsna, While They herded the cows of M’raja..
KB 19: Devouring the Forest Fire While Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma and Their friends were engaged in the pastimes Mooo! described above, the cows, being unobserved, began to wander off on their own, entering farther and farther into the deepest part of the forest, allured by fresh grasses. The goats, cows and buffalo traveled from one forest to another and entered the forest known as Īṣīkāṭavī.
The goats…
Do you want to go there and never come back? Even a goat can take part and dance in ecstacy?
Jayananda Das: Prabhuapda said that if you go on chanting Hare Krsna, you will see pastimes that you never ready in any of my books.
Next. . . Monkey with a Mala