Agree Agenda Minute Taking Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”: Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”: 29 April 2019 Agree Agenda Minute Taking Scott Hu (GRWG Chair)
Ways of working Presenters have been asked to follow this format: An overview of the task you have been asked to discuss The purpose of the presentation Some example requirements Propose 1 or 2 strawman solutions, outlining pros and cons A draft deliverable with your assessment of the priority, timescale and resources needed Each presentation will lead directly into a discussion. Items c), d) and e) will then be edited on the fly by the chair during the discussion. Please keep presentations short - slots only 20 minutes, and we need to ensure plenty of time for discussion.
Outlook of 2019 Annual Meeting Agenda Names in Red: Session Chairs Monday (4 Mar) Tuesday (5 Mar) Wednesday (6 Mar) Thursday (7 Mar) Friday (8 Mar) AM “Mini Conference” Philippe Goryl Plenary: WG + Subgroup Reports Fangfang Yu VIS/NIR (Lunar) Tom Stone GDWG Masaya Takahashi IR Likun Wang/ Tim Hewison Cross-cutting & Wrap-up GCC MW Ralph Ferrero UV Rose Munro PM Plenary: Agency Reports Scott Hu Plenary: Cross-cutting Topics Dave Doelling IR? Likun Wang / Tim Hewison Reporting Outcomes & Planning Future Meetings UV? ETC Ice Breaker Working Groups’ Dinner Lunch time (30 min): Visit to the PHI-Experience (EO promotion/images tour) Start time 08:30 End time 14:00
Monday (day-1) Mon am Mini Conference Chair: Philippe Goryl, Minutes: XXX 8:10 Coffee and Registration 8:25 Mitch Goldberg NOAA GSICS 0:05 8:30 Philippe Goryl and Nicolaus Hanowski ESA Welcome address 1a 8:35 Xiuqing (Scott) Hu CMA Introduction to Mini Conference & GSICS 1b 0:15 8:50 Jerome Bouffard Logistics information 1c 0:10 9:00 Henri Laur ESA EO Programme 1d 0:30 9:30 Pascal Lecomte ESA CCI (Climate Change Initiative) Programme 1e 9:45 Xiangqian (Fred) Wu GOES-16/-17 ABI Calibration Performance and Updates 1f 10:00 Philippe Goryl Fiducial Reference Measurements Concept 1g 10:15 Jonas Von Bismarck Aeolus Mission Status 1h 0:20 10:35 Coffee break 0:25 11:00 1i 11:20 Toward FCDR and uncertainties information for Altimetry 1j 11:40 Stefan Adriaensen VITO Lunar Calibration Update 1k 12:00 Bill Bell ECMWF ECMWF Copernicus Activities Related to Inter-calibration 1l 12:30 Nigel Fox NPL Quality Assurance for EO and CEOS Activities 1m 13:00 Lunch Break 1:00 Mon pm Plenary: Agency Reports Chair: Xiuqing "Scott" Hu, Minutes: XXX 14:00 All Round Table Introductions + Logistics Info 2a 14:20 Agree Agenda & Minute Taking 2b 14:30 ESA Agency Report 2c 14:45 CMA Agency Report 2d 15:00 Clemence Pierangelo CNES CNES Agency Rerpot 2e 15:15 Rose Munro EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Agency Report 2f 15:30 IMD IMD Agency Report 2g 15:45 Pradeep Thapliyal ISRO ISRO Agency Report 2h 16:00 16:30 Masaya Takahashi JMA JMA Agency Report 2i 16:45 KMA KMA Agency Report 2j 17:00 Xiaoxiong (Jack) Xiong NASA NASA Agency Report 2k 17:15 Stephen Maxwell NIST NIST Agency Report 2l 17:30 NOAA Agency Report 2m 17:45 ROSCOSMOS ROSCOSMOS Agency Report 2n 18:00 Alexey Rublev ROSHYDROMET ROSHYDROMET Agency Report 2o 18:15 USGS USGS Agency Report 2p 18:30 Ice Breaker 2:00 20:30 END
Tuesday (day-2) Tues am Plenary - Reports Chair: Fangfang Yu, Minutes: Fred Wu 8:30 Larry Flynn NOAA GCC Report 3a 0:20 8:50 Xiuqing (Scott) Hu CMA GRWG Report 3b 9:10 Hiroshi Murakami JAXA JAXA Agency Report 3c 0:15 9:25 Likun Wang GRWG IR Sub-Group Briefing Report 3d 9:45 Dave Doelling NASA GRWG VIS-NIR Sub-Group Briefing Report 3e 10:05 Coffee break 0:30 10:35 Rose Munro EUMETSAT GRWG UV Sub-Group Briefing Report & Introducing Special Session on Strategy for inter-calibration of SWIR spectrometers 3f 10:55 Ralph Ferraro GRWG Microwave Sub-Group Briefing Report 3g 11:15 Masaya Takahashi JMA GDWG Report 3h 11:35 All Discussion 11:55 Lunch Break 1:00 Tues pm Plenary Cross-cutting Topics Special session on re-calibration/re-processing - Chair: Tim Hewison, Minutes: Seb Wagner 12:55 Rob Roebeling FIDUCEO Summary 3i 13:15 GEO-Ring: SCOPE-CM/IOGEO 3j 13:35 Re-calibrating WV/IR channels of GMS/MTSAT imagers using HIRS/2, AIRS, and IASI 3k 13:55 Ken Knapp Inter-calibration for climate monitoring system - collaboration with ISCCP 3l 14:15 Sirish Uprety NOAA S-NPP/VIIRS v2 Processing 3m 14:35 Scott Hu CMA's recalibration/reprocessing activities 3n 14:55 Roger Saunders UKMO Long-term calibration monitoring using UKMO NWP 3o 15:15 3p 15:35 Chair: Toshiyuki Kurino/Mitch Goldberg, Minutes: XXX 16:05 GSICS Annual Report - way forward (e.g. incl. LEO and reference instruments) 3q 16:25 Toshiyuki Kurino WMO WMO CIMO Guide Updating; PART III: Space-based observation 3r 16:45 GSICS Server Upgrade - requirements for new deliverables 3s 17:05 New WMO GSICS Portal website 3t 17:25 Collaboration with CGMS Space Weather Coordination Group? 3u 17:45 Transfer to Dinner Place 18:45 Working Groups' Dinner 2:00
Wednesday (day-3) Parallel Session1 - GRWG: VIS/NIR Sub-Group Wed am Chair: Tom Stone, Minutes: 8:30 Taichiro Hashiguchi RESTEC Evaluation of GCOM-C/SGLI Lunar Calibration Using GIRO 4a 0:20 8:50 Sebastien Wagner EUMETSAT Sentinel-3 lunar acquisitions 4b 9:10 Kevin Turpie UMBC, NASA air-LUSI: Measuring Lunar Spectral Irradiance from a High-altitude Aircraft 4c 9:30 Xiuqing (Scott) Hu CMA Update on Lunar Measurements in China 4d 9:50 Xiangqian (Fred) Wu NOAA Prototype for MTF Using the Moon + Discussion 4e 10:10 Coffee Break 0:30 10:40 Fangfang Yu Lunar Calibration of GOES-16/17 ABI 4f 11:00 Stefan Adriaensen VITO Lunar Irradiance Measurements and Modeling Using an Aerosol Photometer 4g 11:20 Odele Coddington LASP TSIS-1 total and spectral solar irradiance observations 4h 11:40 Tom Stone USGS Solar Spectra for Vis/NIR Calibration 4i 12:00 Lunch Break + Visit to the PHI-Experience 2:00 Wed pm Chair: Dave Doelling, Minutes: Raj Bhatt 14:00 Jack Xiong NASA MODIS/VIIRS VIS/NIR calibration status 4j 14:20 Sirish Uprety NOAA STAR VIIRS Reprocessing Status and Updates 4k 14:40 Glen Jaross Ice radiance technique for calibration monitoring and intercomparison 4l 15:00 All Discussion of NOAA V2 calibrated NPP-VIIRS datasets for GSICS 4m 0:10 15:10 Evaluating NOAA-20 and SNPP VIIRS Radiometric Consistency for VNIR Bands 4n 15:30 Yusuke Yogo JMA Use of VIIRS in AHI vicarious calibration 4o 15:50 Kazuki Kodera Impacts of I01 and M05 of S-NPP/VIIRS on AHI-VIIRS Ray-matching 4p 16:20 Rajendra Bhatt SBAF tool update 4q 16:40 Nicolas Lamquin ACRI OLCI-A/OLCI-B intercalibration with DCC in tandem phase 4r 17:00 Dave Smith RAL SLSTR VIS/SWIR channel calibration (including Deserts and Sun-Glint methods) 4s 17:20 Vito Towards harmonization of multi-sensor high resolution time series: the Belharmony approach 4t 17:40 Yves Govaerts Rayference Review atmospheric radiative transfer models suitable for vicarious calibration 4u 18:00 David Doelling DCC calibration paper discussion, and next years web meeting discussions, Rayleigh scattering, DCC implementation in the NIR 4v 18:30 END
Wednesday (day-3) Parallel Session2 - GDWG Wed am GDWG Chair : Masaya Takahashi, Minutes: Peter Miu 08:30 Masaya Takahashi JMA Round Table Introduction + GDWG Actions Review 6a 0:30 9:00 Alexander Uspensky ROSHYDROMET New Russian Cal/Val portal on meteorological satellite instruments and products 6b 0:20 9:20 Jin Woo KMA GDWG Baseline Reviews - website, products metadata and structures 6c 9:50 Toshiyuki Kurino WMO New WMO GSICS Portal 0:40 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 GSICS Convention for Spectral Response Function files 6d Peter Miu EUMETSAT How EUMETSAT’s pathfinder activities would benefit GSICS 6e 11:40 All Discussion 6f 12:00 Lunch Break + Visit to the PHI-Experience 2:00 Wed pm 14:00 Mirko Albani ESA CEOS Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS) 6g 14:30 Andrea Della Vecchia / Damiano Guerrucci ESA Collaborative Environment for Cal/Val 6h 15:00 Zhe (Thomas) Xu / Di Xian CMA FY historical Big Data Reprocessing system establishment and sharing 6i 15:30 Xiangqian (Fred) Wu NOAA GOES-16/-17 ABI Calibration Event Log 6j 15:50 16:20 Rob Roebeling Event Logging 6k 16:50 Links from WMO OSCAR/Space to Calibration Landing Page 6l 17:20 Use of GitHub - updates 6m 17:50 6n 18:20 END
Wednesday (day-3) Parallel Session 3 - GRWG: MW Sub-Group Wed am Chair: Ralph Ferraro, Minutes: Cheng-Zhi Zou 8:30 Ralph Ferraro NOAA Round Table Introduction, Objectives, Agenda 5a 0:10 8:40 Raffaele Crapolicchio ESA SMOS Cal/Val Activities 5b 0:15 8:55 Roberto Sabia SMOS Geophysical Products 5c 9:10 Bill Bell ECMWF EU's C3S 5d 9:25 Tim Hewison EUMETSAT MetOp-C AMSU-A/MHS Status 5e 9:35 Ed Kim NASA NOAA-20 ATMS Status 5f 9:50 Mikaso Kachi JAXA AMSR-2/AMSR-3 Update 5g 10:05 MW Calibration Targets 5h 0:20 10:25 Coffee Break 10:45 Jeiying He and Qifeng Lu NSSC/CAS Joint activities with CEOS: Initial progress and example from FY3-MWHS2 5i 11:05 Shengli Wu NSMC/CMA FY-3 MWRI - Calibration and time series record 5j 11:20 Cheng-Zhi Zou Possible MW sounder references and their use for re-calibration of other satellites 5k 11:35 Review of Action Items/Ongoing Activities - Session will be a 'round table' addressing each action item - briefings by actionee expected 5l 11:45 Bomin Sun/Cheng-Zhi Zou Progress with GRUAN observations 5m 12:00 Lunch Break + Visit to the PHI-Experience 2:00 Wed pm GRWG: MW Sub-group - Continuation of Action Items 14:00 Manik Bali/Rachel Kroodsma NOAA/NASA GPM X-Cal LUT's/Deliverable 5n 14:20 Isaac Moradi NOAA/UMD Inter-comparison of fast radiative transfer models and microwave observations 5o GRWG: MW Sub-Group - MWI Constellation Gap Chair: Qifeng Lu; Minutes: Ralph Ferraro 14:40 Mitch Goldberg The importance of a healthy microwave imager constellation 5p 15:00 Alan Geer NWP application - title TBC 5q 15:20 Fabien Carminati Current and future use of microwave imager observations in the Met Office NWP system 5r 15:40 Objectives/Goals & Discussion 5s 0:40 16:20 16:40 GRWG: MW Sub-Group - WIGOS 2040 Chair: Manik Bali, Minutes: Tim Hewison Manik Bali Review of white paper outline and develop writing team WIGOS/IPWG 5t 0:30 17:10 GSICS EP WDQM 5u 17:30 Toshi Yukirino WMO GSICS Document review byWIGOS 5v 18:00 Qifeng Lu CMA WIGOS: Strawman outline draft of a plan to develop inter-calibration products for microwave imagers 5w 18:20 All Discussion and wrap up 5x 18:40 Co-Chairmanship 5y 18:50 END
Thursday (day-4) Parallel Session 1 - GRWG: IR Sub-Group Thurs am Cal/Val status - Chair: Likun Wang, Minutes: Tim Hewison 8:30 Likun Wang NOAA Affiliate Introduction to IR Sub-Group 7a 0:15 8:45 Thomas Pagano NASA/JPL AIRS Calibration Update and Radiometric Uncertainty Estimates 7b 9:00 Chengli Qi/ Chunqiang Wu CMA FY-3D HIRAS measurement validation and monitoring 7c 9:15 Dorothee Coppens EUMETSAT Update on IASI-C Cal/Val activities 7d 9:30 All Discussion 0:30 10:00 Coffee break Hyperspectral IR Inter-calibration - Chair: Likun Wang, Minutes: Tim Hewison 10:30 Tim Hewison IR Reference Uncertainty and Traceability Report (IRRefUTable) 7e 11:00 Hanlie Xu Mutual Evaluation between the imager and hyperspectral sounder at the same platform FY-3D and FY-4A 7f 11:15 Dohy Kim KMA Double difference of inter-calibration comparison results of COMS/MI using before and after reprocessed CrIS data for one year data of 2015 7g 11:30 Discussion - way forward with Hyperspectral GSICS products 7h 12:00 Lunch Break 1:00 Thurs pm Multispectral IR Inter-calibration - Chair: Tim Hewison, Minutes: Likun Wang 13:00 GEO-LEO IR Product Progress (5 min for each GEO operational agency) 7i 13:30 Na Xu IR inter-calibration update in CMA including GEO-LEO and LEO-LEO 7j 14:00 Yusuke Yogo JMA Collaborative research of applying JMA's GSICS approach to FY-2G IR channels wrt IASI 7k 14:15 Inter-calibration results of COMS/MI using with and without MBCC March 2016 to August 2017 7l 14:30 SBAF requirements for GEO-GEO comparisons 7m 14:45 Fangfang Yu GEO-GEO inter-comparison for GOES-17 IR instrument performance monitoring and anomaly detection 7n 15:00 Alessandro Burini Monitoring SLSTR calibration using IASI 7o 15:15 Dave Smith RAL S3 SLSTR IR channel calibration 7p 15:30 Discussion Way Forward for Multispectral IR 7q 16:00 16:30 Update on IR Research Topics - Chair: Likun Wang, Minutes: Tim Hewison Application and evaluation of New NOAA gap filling for CMA IR hyperspectral instruments 7r 16:45 Investigation to the cold-scene bias at the ABI 3.9 micron channels 7s 17:00 Hui Xu / Likun Wang UMD Sensitivity Test and Further Validation of Cross-track Infrared Sounder Spectral Gap Filling 7t 17:15 Xu Liu NASA Spectral gap-filling and Convolution Error Correction in Satellite Sensor Inter-calibrations 7u 17:30 Boming Sun Progress with GRUAN observations in comparison with satellite measurements 7v 17:45 Near space platform for IR sensor validation 7w 18:00 End
Chair : Masaya Takahashi, Minutes: Peter Miu Thursday (day-4) Parallel Session 2 - GDWG Thu am GDWG Chair : Masaya Takahashi, Minutes: Peter Miu 8:30 Peter Miu EUMETSAT GSICS Collaboration Servers - History, Updates 9a 0:20 8:50 Nitant Dube ISRO Status of THREDDS for GSICS Collaboration Servers 9b 0:40 9:30 Zhe (Thomas) Xu CMA Updates on GSICS Collaboration Servers 9c 9:50 Manik Bali NOAA Affiliate 9d 10:10 Coffee break 0:30 10:40 Lin Chen PICS/SNO data extraction function 9e 11:00 0:00 Data Dissemination 9f 11:20 Masaya Takahashi JMA Visualization of GSICS Products on GSICS Plotting Tool - Current Status and User Requirements 9g 11:40 Implementation of GSICS Plotting Tool at ISRO 9h All Discussion for future updates/collaboration on GSICS Collaboration Servers and Plotting Tool 9p 12:00 Lunch Break 1:00 Thu pm 13:00 Visualization of GSICS Products on GSICS Product Catalog 9i 13:30 Access for GSICS on Clouds 9j 14:00 Action tracking 9k 14:30 GSICS Wiki Migration 9l 15:00 15:30 EUMETAT Automated validation tool for candidate GSICS products 9m 16:00 GDWG Chairing 9n 16:30 Wrap-up: Plan activities for 2019/2020 9o 17:00 END
Thursday (day-4) [Afternoon] Parallel Session 1 - GRWG: UV Sub-Group Thurs pm GRWG: UV Sub-Group (WebEx) Chair: Rose Munro, Minutes: Sebastian Wagner 12:30 Larry Flynn NOAA Update on GSICS UV Activities at NOAA 8a 0:30 13:00 Odele Coddington LASP, Univ. of Colorado TSIS-1 spectral (200-2400 nm) solar irradiance observations 8b 0:20 13:20 Julian Gröbner PMOD WRC Quality Assurance of solar ultraviolet measurements 8c 13:40 Rose Munro EUMETSAT Current status and future outlook for the UV Sub-group 8d 14:00 All Discussion and Summmary 8e 14:30 Coffee break Special Session on "Strategy for incorporating inter-calibration of SWIR spectrometers" 15:00 David Crisp NASA-JPL Calibration needs of space based greenhouse gas instruments 8f 15:20 Placeholder 8g 2:00 17:20 Discussion 8h 17:40 Summary and Wrap-Up 8i 18:00 END
Thursday (day-4) [Afternoon] Parallel Session 3 - GRWG: MV Sub-Group Thu pm GRWG: MW Sub-Group Chair : Ralph Ferraro 13:00 Ralph Ferraro NOAA Introduction and Action Item/Discussion 9a 0:30 13:30 Shenli Wu CMA Development of FY-3/MWRI Calibration on warm/cold targets and reflector emissivity 9b 0:20 13:50 Yang Guo Calibration and validation of Microwave Humidity Sounder onboard FY-3D satellite 9c 14:10 Hao Liu NSSC Consideration of the on-board calibration of interferometric synthetic aperture microwave radiometer, 9d 14:30 Xiaolong Dong Development and Standardization of the Guidelines for Prelaunch Calibration of Microwave Sensors - Activities of the CEOS WGCV 9e 14:50 Ninghai Sun ATMS SDR NOAA-20 and NPP ATMS calibration update 9f 15:10 Coffee break 15:30 Introduction: Radio Occultation as a MW standard/calibration source 9g 0:10 15:50 Xiaolei Zou Univ. Maryland Mutual Validations of Observations between lifetime S-NPP ATMS and GPS ROs from COSMIC, MetOp and KOMPSAT 9h 16:20 All RO Discussion 9i 16:50 Manik Bali NOAA Affiliate Proposed Best Practices 9j 17:10 NASA GPM X-Cal Updates (provided by Berg and Kroodsma) 9k 17:40 Manik Bali/Tony Reale NOAA Affiliate/NOAA GRUAN 9l 18:10 END
Friday (day-5) Fri am Plenary - Cross-cutting Topics Chair: GCC, Minutes: XXX 8:30 Xiuqing (Scott) Hu? GSICS Requirements on Instrument Performance Monitoring 10a 0:20 8:50 Preparation for forthcoming meetings (e.g. SI-traceable Reference Instrument WS, Lunar Calibration WS) 10b 9:10 Manik Bali GCC Product outreach/promotion of new GSICS Products/Deliverables and updates of GSICS Product Catalog 10c 9:30 10d 9:50 Coffee break 0:30 10:20 Dave Doelling? NASA CLARREO Pathfinder - Updates 10e 10:40 NOAA How to update actions in GSICS Action Tracker 10f 11:00 Sebastien Wagner EUMETSAT Mission-Integration Calibration Monitoring & Inter-Calibration System (MICMICS) 10g 11:20 Plenary - De-briefs and Wrap-up Chair: Xiuqing "Scott" Hu, Minutes: XXX 11:50 Masaya Takahashi JMA GDWG Summary & Agree Actions 10h 12:10 Xiuqing (Scott) Hu CMA GRWG Summary & Agree Actions 10i 12:40 Larry Flynn Future GSICS Users Workshops 10j 13:00 All Topics & Chairing next Web Meetings 10k 13:20 Date & Place of Next WG Meetings 10l 13:40 Any Other Business 10m 14:00 END
Guideline for presentation 29/04/2019 Guideline for presentation Now down to the Work part of the Working Group meeting! Focus on the development of GSICS Products Mostly items assigned 20 minute slots But this includes discussion time! Please leave 5 minute for discussion So please keep presentations brief and to the point Presentations will be uploaded to the GSICS Wiki Unless you tell me not to Can include more background information Please follow file naming convention: 2b_Scott_AgreeAgenda_Minutetaking.pptx/pdf/ppt
Agenda The Detailed Agenda was prepared using ZoHo Sheet Exported as HTML and embedded into GSICS Wiki: Minutes Taking Minutes on ZoHo Doc will be updated during the meeting period Anyone can access, but need invitations to edit Session Chairs + minutes takers are invited Other participants would also be collaborators for updating the minutes – please ask GDWG Chair Minute Taker should write Actions in Bold, Precede with word ACTION: Will number (e.g. A.GIR.2018.4a.2) later Will review new actions on Friday morning GCC to enter into action tracking tool when the minutes are finalized
Minute Taking For presenter, please filling the “overview”
Minutes Taker Session Chair Minute Taker Plenary – Mini Conference Day-1-AM Philippe Goryl Plenary – Agencies Reports Day-1-PM Scott Hu Doy Kim Plenary – Chairs Reports Day-2-AM Fangfang Yu Fred Wu Plenary – Reprocess/Recalibration Day-2-PM Tim Hewison Sebastien Wagner Plenary – Cross-cutting Topics Mitch Goldberg/Toshi Kurino Mitch GRWG – VIS/NIR (1) Day-3-AM Tom Stone Seb GRWG – VIS/NIR (2) Day-3-PM Dave Doelling Raj Bhatt GRWG – MW (1) Ralph Ferra/Manik Cheng-Zhi Zou GRWG – MW (2) Qifeng Lu Ralph Ferraro/Tim GRWG – MW (3) Manik Bali GRWG – IR Day-4 Likun Wang/Tim Hewison Tim/Likun GRWG – UV Day-4-PM Rosemary Munro Larry GDWG Day-3/4 Masaya Takahashi Peter Miu Plenary – Wrap-up Day-5-AM GCC Fangfang Na Xu
Thank you