Surface Pro Surface Pro assigned to each student by number. Student is responsible for their device all year. A padded case is required. Devices are NOT permitted to go home. FLASHDRIVE is required to save all notes.
Books Paperback Books Religion textbook LabLearner SDR Bible (New American Version) Please cover with contact paper and write name on the inside cover. **SDRs will be posted on EDMODO until shipment arrives.
Books Assignment Book Homework is posted weekly on Ms. Ponte’s Class Page. Daily assignments also written on classroom board. *** Students are responsible for copying assignments and due dates in their assignment book.
Class Supplies Students will take all notes on Surface Pro and save to designated file on flashdrives. If device is unavailable, students must take notes in a copybook. Graph paper and pencils are needed for science.
Homework and Assignments Students are responsible for completing homework and assignments ON TIME. Assignment is due upon entering the classroom. Unfinished homework will be marked as a missed assignment with a 1-point deduction from trimester class participation grade. 5-point deduction each day a GRADED assignment is late. If absent, students are responsible for getting missed work and is due the day AFTER return. Extensions are granted for special circumstances.
Absences If absent due to illness or special circumstance, an absentee note is DUE the day of return. For planned absences, a note prior to the absence is appreciated. I will prepare work for the time missed.
LabLearner Science CELLs Parent Resources http://www.lablearner.com/Home.html
Religion ** Weekly Virtue and “This Week’s Liturgy” Grade 7 Grade 8 Books of the Bible New Testament Jesus Mary Liturgy and Worship Life of the Church Feast days *Pro-Life Presentation (Generation Life) Concepts, Marks, Development of the Church Liturgy Sacraments and Sacramentals Dignity of the Human Person Virtues Commandments Social Justice ** Weekly Virtue and “This Week’s Liturgy” http://www.sadlierreligion.com/liveourfaith/
Performance Assessments Religion Science Tests Quizzes Projects Reports Bible analysis Edmodo posts Participation Labs Performance Assessments Article summaries Projects/Reports Grades posted on OptionC accessed with username and password.
Tests and Quizzes Students are assessed regularly in all subjects. Sufficient notice and review are provided in preparation for an assessment. Upcoming dates posted on teacher class page. Students are responsible for maintaining classroom notes to study on a regular basis. If absent, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain missed notes. Class PPTs posted on EDMODO. Team teachers work to balance the work load. Many assessments will be electronic.
Online communication for class. Respond to questions, predictions, class discussions Upload links and documents Part of class participation grade Bookmark it! https://stcornelius.edmodo.com/?language=en&auto_selected_lang=true&logout=true
Teacher Class Page Announcements Homework Documents Links Bookmark it! http://tponteclasspage.weebly.com
Parent-Teacher Communication Parents and teachers are encouraged to maintain open communication. Email is the most efficient means of communication. Please allow up to 48 hours for a teacher response. If a conference is deemed necessary, a convenient time will be scheduled.
Graduation and High School Please consider high school visitations when SCS is not in session. November 13, 2015 March 29, 2016 Annual HS Visitation Day (TBA) If requesting a letter of recommendation, please provide a stamped, addressed envelope. All correspondence is sent directly to the high schools.