Sam The Police Officer By: Liam Haliburton
Dedication I am dedicating this book to my book buddy Sam. He has been the best book buddy I’ve ever had.
Copyright©2011 by Liam X. Haliburton All rights reserved. This book may not be used in any other way without the permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Printed in Canada First Printing, 2011 ISBN 1-31313131313-1-3 Banana and Monkey Inc. 1313 Banana Rd. Monkey City, Blah Blah Land 131313
Once upon a time there was a police officer named Sam.
One day at work he became bored One day at work he became bored. A few minutes later, he was called to a robbery.
Officer Sam catches the robber and takes him to jail.
Sam went home with his trusty sidekick, Fergy, his golden retriever.
Sam was woken up the next day by a call for another robbery!
Sam hops in his car and zooms to the scene.
When he gets there he is kidnapped!
Sam escapes the kidnappers and follows them.
Sam’s dog Fergy thinks she smells something, so she sniffs around and starts to dig.
She digs and digs until she finds the stolen money!
They return the money back to the bank and go to the station and the two of them become sheriffs!
The kidnappers go to jail for a long time.
Sam goes home and can’t wait for the next day as the new sheriff of the town. Sam says “Good night", to Fergy and goes to sleep.
Biography of Author My name is Liam Haliburton. I am 12 years old. I was born in Bridgewater on March 10, 1999. I have a sister named Claire, and a cat named Sissy. My favourite number is 13. I love sports, I play soccer, hockey, basketball, football, and baseball. I love to kayak. I have lived in Sandy Point for all of my life.
Comments Abraham- This is a pretty cool book. Nate- An awesome detective story. Thom- A very interesting crime scene. Cam- This story is a good book for little children. Colby- The book is nice. Nathan- The book is awesome! :p