Eden Collegiate High School Eden CISD School Board Presentation October 22, 2018
School Overview Eden Early College High School (EECHS) is an educational program provided through the collaboration and partnership of Eden Consolidated Independent School District and Howard College. This unique opportunity is specifically designed to provide students with a rigorous course of study meeting the needs of each individual student while promoting a college culture for all students. Student attending Eden ECHS will be eligible to take up to 60 college credits and possibly earning an associate’s degree paid for by the district.
To provide students with a rigorous, 21st-century education by enabling them to obtain a high school diploma and an associate degree in an accelerated Early College High School program. Eden Collegiate seeks to raise the quality and standard of secondary education through college and industry partnerships. We believe this platform will ensure our students' future success in college and beyond, breaking the generational poverty cycle through higher education.
ECHS Mission To provide students with a rigorous, 21st-century education by enabling them to obtain a high school diploma and an associate degree in an accelerated Early College High School program. Eden Collegiate seeks to raise the quality and standard of secondary education through college and industry partnerships. We believe this platform will ensure our students' future success in college and beyond, breaking the generational poverty cycle through higher education.
ECHS Vision Eden Collegiate High School is a collaborative effort between the Eden CISD and Howard College. The program is structured to provide successful, challenging, and meaningful experiences for all students. ECHS is an academic program intended to enable students to pursue postsecondary education and a career path. Students are offered the opportunity to earn a high school diploma and meet university entrance requirements. Students also take college courses for which they receive college units through dual enrollment.
Application and Admission Policy Early College High School is available to any Eden CISD student that meets the criteria listed below: The student must have a desire to be a part of the ECHS program and be able to explain this in a written essay following specific guidelines. The student’s parent and/or guardian must want their child to be part of the program. Both the parent/guardian must agree to abide by the standards of academic and behavioral expectations of ECHS. Both the parent and student must agree to comply with all the policies of the program. Both parent and student must agree that the ultimate goal is to graduate from Eden ECHS with college credits as planned.
Admission Process Student or parent expresses a desire to pursue ECHS. Student and parent/guardian will complete the ECHS application and written essay answering designated questions and either submit it in an email or in person to Eden ECHS. Administrator and/or counselor conducts an in depth orientation and interview for both the parent and student. This orientation will cover the structure, goals, intent, and standard expectations of Eden CISD and Eden ECHS. The application is reviewed by the admissions committee which is made up of members of the Eden Early College Leadership Team. The Eden Early College Leadership Team has the option of accepting the application or meeting with the student and parent/guardian in a final interview. Any student not accepted for admission, the parent/guardian will be contacted by a member of the Leadership Team. All students are eligible for ECHS unless involved in an active disciplinary intervention for a punishable misdemeanor or felony crime.
What are Early College High Schools? Early College High Schools are innovative high schools that allow students least likely to attend college an opportunity to earn a high school diploma and 60 college credit hours. Early College High Schools: provide dual credit at no cost to students offer rigorous instruction and accelerated courses provide academic and social support services to help students succeed increase college readiness, and reduce barriers to college access.
College for All Options for Eden Students High School Diploma + TSI Ready-> Ready to Enter College High School + 1 College Semester-> Up to 15 College Credits High School + Level 1 Certificate -> Up to 42 College Credits High School + Core Complete -> Up to 42-45 College Credits High School + Associate’s Degree -> 60 College Credits The Texas Success Initiative Assessment, better known as the TSI test, is a program which determines the appropriate level of college course work for an incoming student. The TSI testconsists of three separate exams: Mathematics, Reading, and Writing. Certificates-Welding, CNA (CMA)
TEA Designation ECHS is pursuing a designation by the TEA for several reasons: To maintain the integrity of the ECHS model. To ensure schools enroll and serve students who may not otherwise attend college. To ensure that the ECHS is more than a dual credit program.
School Overview Eden Early College High School (EECHS) is an educational program provided through the collaboration and partnership of Eden Consolidated Independent School District and Howard College. This unique opportunity is specifically designed to provide students with a rigorous course of study meeting the needs of each individual student while promoting a college culture for all students. Student attending Eden ECHS will be eligible to take up to 60 college credits and possibly earning an associate’s degree paid for by the district.
College for All College-Going Culture – Creating and sustaining a district-wide culture focused on preparing students for college and careers, beginning in elementary school. This requires engaging students, teachers, parents and the community. College Credits for All Students – Committing to preparing all students to take and pass rigorous college courses while in high school. Academic Alignment & Rigor – Working with post-secondary partners to develop an integrated and rigorous academic curriculum that builds from the elementary school through college classes, and prepares all students for success in college.
College for All Career and Technical Pathways – Provide college and career ready options that include articulated career and technical courses leading to certificates and general education courses that transfer to four year institutions. Comprehensive Student Supports – Purposefully create support systems that help students develop academic and social skills and behaviors and conditions necessary for college completion. Policy Partnerships – Partner with public and private entities to support state and local policies that assist students in earning college credits while in high school.
How can the Board Support ECHS? Benefits of ECHS – Understand and articulate the benefits of ECHS College for All Vision – Develop and support a “College for All” vision for the district that provides rigorous academic pathways to and through college. Culture Shift – Support a shift in culture that focuses on rigor with support – for all students in the district. Community Awareness – Build community awareness of ECHS and how it supports the community’s aspirations.
How can the Board Support ECHS? Community Partnerships – Partner with key community and political leaders to develop support for ECHS. Business Partnerships & Career Connections – Facilitate and enhance business partnerships in order to provide students with experiential learning opportunities and career connections.