Coach beginner or novice participants to develop fundamental motor skills SISSSCO202
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop fundamental perceptual motor skills of beginner or novice participants as a precursor to sports coaching. This unit applies to those conducting coaching activities suited to beginner and novice sports players in a variety of sporting contexts.
1. Design a program to develop fundamental perceptual motor skills. 1.1. Assess readiness of participants and select activities and drills with consideration to stage of physical growth and maturity. 1.2. Identify and assess constraints and risks associated with delivering the training session according to relevant legislation and organisational policies and procedures. 1.3. Incorporate inclusive practices 1.4. Identify and confirm resources and specific learner support requirements for the training. 1.4. Develop delivery methods and practice schedules that are appropriate to learning a physical skill and to the needs of different participants
2. Deliver program. 2.1. Select coaching methods appropriate to participant needs and to development of physical skills. 2.2. Match coaching methods to novice or beginner participant characteristics. 2.3. Present, sequence and pace information according to the needs of participants and session timeframes. 2.4. Apply presentations and clear communication methods that are suited to the learning needs of participants. 2.5. Observe and monitor progress and manage group behaviour to promote cooperation and good relationships 2.6. Devise skill development progression and regression activities according to the needs of individuals and groups. 2.7. apply risk management principles to minimize risk of injuries and address specific individual safety needs. 2.8. implement incident management procedures to deal with any minor injuries
3. Review the session 3.1. seek feedback from participants and others on effectiveness of the session. 3.2 Identify modifications to future sessions based on feedback 3.3. Design links to next session to develop or progress skill.
What are Fundamental Perceptual Motor Skills? Fundamental perceptual motor skills (FPMS) are the building blocks of sport Fundamental motor skills are movements that have specific observable patterns. They include: -Locomotor skills such as running, jumping, hopping, galloping, rolling, leaping and dodging; -Manipulative skills such as throwing, catching, kicking, striking and trapping and -Stability skills such as balance, twisting, turning and bending.
A fundamental motor skill involves the basic elements of a particular movement. It does not emphasise the combining of a variety of fundamental motor skills into complex skills such as the layup in basketball or a serve in tennis. Early purposeful play experiences lead to FPMS and an opportunity for children to participate and develop in sport
What do they look like? Fundamental movement skills look like this
Activity Think of TWO sports. Write down all the fundamental skills needed for a successful performance in these sports. ( Do table in work book)
Importance of Fundamental motor skills to sport
1.Design a program to develop fundamental perceptual motor skills.
1.1. Assess readiness of participants to and select activities and drills with consideration to stage of physical growth and maturity Activity: What factors do you need to consider when assessing the readiness of beginner or novice participants to be able to plan appropriate sessions? *
Previous activity sample answers growth rates developmental stages heat tolerance and hydration physical ability social characteristics Injury and incapacity. attention spans. Activity: Pick 2 of the above factors and using ½-1 page explain why they need to be considered when coaching junior players.
Definition of constraint: A limitation or restriction. 1.2. Identify and assess constraints and risks associated with delivering the training session according to relevant legislation and organisational policies and procedures. Definition of constraint: A limitation or restriction. Constraints may include: access to industry experts, sporting facilities and equipment access to practice opportunities budget and time requirements numbers and groupings of players. Activity: See work book and complete table on how these constraints can impact the ability of a coach to deliver a training session.
Risks may Include: inappropriate facilities and or equipment Adverse weather Environment Other Users inadequate equipment or resources inappropriate coaching methods. Activity: Briefly explain how each of the above can contribute to risks when planning/delivering a training session.
Jot down points from your discussion in your work book Discussion: Why are the following elements of legislation important for coaches and clubs to be aware of? Relevant legislation may include: Work health and safety Child Protection Anti discrimination duty of care mandatory reporting negligence waivers and exclusion clauses privacy. Jot down points from your discussion in your work book
Organisational policies and procedures may include: Work health and safety use and maintenance of equipment and resources time and budget requirements behaviour management code of ethics.
1.3 incorporate inclusive practices in session design Inclusive practices may be relevant to: Culture Gender Age disability
1.4. Identify and confirm resources and specific learner support requirements for the training. Activity: Identify a range of resources that may be used to support the learning and development of beginner or novice participants in a sport of your choice. *
These may be related to: specific facilities and venues accessibility and availability of appropriate equipment and technology. Size of fields/ courts Size of goals Size of playing equipment
1.5. Develop delivery methods and practice schedules that are appropriate to learning a physical skill and to the needs of participants. The following coaching methods may be used to plan and execute a training session. explanation and demonstration drills, games and other activities structured practice opportunities – eg massed vs distributed behaviour management Progressive ( building on previous learnt skills with more challenging activities as previous ones are mastered) and regressive skill development activities (making activities less challenging where needed to support learning) guided discovery approaches.
Activity In pairs you will research the following coaching methods. Complete the table in your workbook. Massed vs distributed practice Guided discovery approach Pairs will be randomly chosen to report their findings to the group
2. 2. Deliver the Session& 3 Review the Session: The Assessment Event will allow students to demonstrate performance criteria from the above TWO elements Student work books have an appendix at the back which will help students plan and deliver the assessment event. The appendix includes: Considerations when planning Assessment techniques Sample assessment recording sheets Performance criteria for a range of relevant FMS Sample activities for a range of relevant FMS
Breakdown of task Students will be given a FMS Students will develop a pre-test, administer it and record results. Using information students will develop a 3 week program with the aim of improving the FMS they were given. Students will need to consider risks and constraints Students will re -administer the pre-test and evaluate their program.