Who is right – Jon or Jean?


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Presentation transcript:

Who is right – Jon or Jean? Transformations GM4.3 Core Plenary Who is right – Jon or Jean? Jean can use more than one transformation for each mapping. Preamble This investigation will give pupils practice using the three transformations they have just encountered – reflection, rotation and translation. It is a whole-class activity, though you may like to allow a few minutes for individuals to ‘get into’ the problem. Writing down should be discouraged; instead, treat the investigation as an exercise in spatial visualisation. Initially, be fairly liberal in accepting less-than-complete mapping descriptions – with luck, the group may spontaneously ask for complete descriptions. Possible content Using rotations, reflections and translations. Resources None – unless some pupils feel they need squared paper. Solution/Notes Jean is quite correct; it is possible to map each of the six triangles onto each of the other five using one or more transformations.