Training of Potential FIPs NDRMF’s Commitment to Gender Mainstreaming UN, Global Perspective Human Stories Photo credit: Greenbiz webcast
Learning Objectives of this Presentation To understand and discuss the minimum capacity requirements of gender mainstreaming required to apply for the accreditation and grant To define a course of action essential to improve respective capacity prior applying for accreditation and submission of proposal To understand role of gender mainstreaming during the accreditation process and at the quality proposal submission stage
Gender-a More, But Lesser Familiar Term Activity: stereotypes
NDRMF’s Commitment to Gender Mainstreaming CRC, CEDAW, CRPD, ICPD, Beijing Platform for Action, UDHR) and Hyogo Framework Normative Frameworks & Alignment 1) Gender and Development Policy 2) Diversity, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy; and 3) Gender Action Plan Internal Frameworks & Alignment Gender as standalone goal & integrated with environment and social safeguards UDHR: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 CRC: Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989; CEDAW: Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, 1979; CRPD: Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities; ICPD: International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo 1994; Beijing Platform for Action, 196; Hyogo Framework,
Gender Action Plan: Theory of Change GAP 1.0 Define institutional gender mainstreaming priorities areas aiming to ensure gender equality. GAP 2.0 Gender inclusive programming GAP 3.0 Adaptation of best practices at the programmes/projects level where gender equality is cross cutting Outputs Improved organizational normative framework aiming at gender equality. Increased investment on vulnerable groups to reduce vulnerabilities. Strengthened analytical work to improve fiscal management of disaster risk. Extended presence across Pakistan ensuring gender mainstreaming. Strengthened partnerships with Government and Non-government agencies. Gender mainstreaming through gender responsive programming for Retrofitting, Flood Protection, EWSs and CBDRM. Gender mainstreaming at the institutional levels (NDRMF and FIPs level) through theory & practice. Assumptions Leadership commitment may fluctuate Continued resource opportunities & field presence Strategic Interventions Impact Gender equality mainstreamed at NDRMF, FIPs and community level. Risks Competing priorities Limited financing for gender equality Capacity issues at different level
Gender Mainstreaming “Mainstreaming a gender perspective is the process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programs, in all areas and at all levels…a strategy for making women’s as well as men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programs in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated. The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality.” (UN ECOSOC)
Key Takeaways from the Accreditation and Proposal Submission Stages Accreditation Stage Proposal Development Stage Placement of gender units/focal points: Hands-on technical assistance on the “how to” mainstream at the project level Skills and expertise in gender to manage gender mainstreaming interventions including, planning a course of gender action, back-stop implementation, developing an M&E plan for the GAP and evaluate and document results and prerequisite analysis. Understanding and conceptualizing meaningful gender mainstreaming Strategy: Select a strategic issue to work on and choose ways to ensure successful implementation Relevance: Priority disaster resilience issues that are likely to have tangible impact from gender and inclusion perspective Gender training: Programs for all, attempting to change attitudes and values Research and analysis: Understand and demonstrate the gender linkage-vulnerability assessment/MHVRA or any other. It is not necessary to do “everything” or to act on all levels It is important to determine contextually who needs to know what and to provide that information Maintain focus on specific tasks 6) examine outcomes and results and assess them relative to expectations (and/or baseline conditions) determine the causes for lack of success, learn from them and fix them
Key Takeaways from the Accreditation and Proposal Submission Stages Cross-cutting at the Accreditation & Proposal Development Stages Gender disaggregated data: Beneficiaries (direct and indirect), age, gender……. Financial resources: Obligatory & additional activities for mainstreaming gender e.g. GA/research, HR, CBDRM, EWS, Retrofitting, Flood embankments Accountability/M&E mechanisms: GAP specific M& Framework, Risk Assessment Social and gender related vulnerabilities: 2017 Census Data, NDMA guidelines on vulnerable groups PWDs: Policy compliance, issues, interventions to address needs of the respective group Risk and mitigation strategies It is not necessary to do “everything” or to act on all levels It is important to determine contextually who needs to know what and to provide that information Maintain focus on specific tasks 6) examine outcomes and results and assess them relative to expectations (and/or baseline conditions) determine the causes for lack of success, learn from them and fix them
Scenario from the Accreditation Process [Choose the relevant answer in column 1 and in case of answer as “No”, mention alternate, however, equal mechanism if exists any in column 2] a) Does the organization have a gender policy or strategy? Yes/No b) Is gender policy or strategy approved by the Governing Board/Council//Body/ Management and communicated to all levels of staff? c) Does the organization have designated or dedicated staff to take gender agenda forward with well-defined role? d) Are gender and development training mandatory for all staff members? e) Does the organization comply with the Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act? f) Does the organization comply with the National Policy for Persons with Disabilities? g) What is the percentage of women staff of the organization with respect to the total number of staff? …%
Cont’d [Choose the relevant answer in column 1 and in case of answer as “No”, mention alternate, however, equal mechanism if exists any in column 2] Is the gender policy/strategy being fully implemented and considered in program development and implementation: a) Is gender disaggregated qualitative and quantitative data collected, analyzed and used? Yes/No b) Is socio-economic and gender analysis conducted to assess differential needs of diverse women and men? c) Do projects respond to differential needs of diverse women and men identified during the socio-economic and gender analysis? d) Are specific gender elements spelled out at activities, outputs, outcomes and impact levels? e) Are gender specific risk and mitigation strategies developed to avoid, minimize and/or mitigate adverse gender impacts?
Gender specific documents for reference: Reference Documents Gender specific documents for reference: Gender & Development Policy of NDRMF Gender Action Plan of NDRMF Gender Policy of ADB National Policy on Disabilities and Inclusion Guidance Sheets for Gender Mainstreaming (project development, development of GAP and others) by ADB
Thank you