Collaborations Are Key to the Growth of Your Registry MAKING AN IMPACT Collaborations Are Key to the Growth of Your Registry
Laurie Dietsch, MPH Immunization Registry Coordinator Jose Rodriguez Director Project L.O.V.E. Love Our Kids…Vaccinate Early!
4DTaP:3Polio: 1MMR* 1MMR*:3HIB Ohio 76.3 74.7 Cuyahoga 74.0 72.8 Immunization Rates for Children 19-35 Months of Age National Immunization Survey, Q1/2001-Q4/2001 4DTaP:3Polio: 1MMR* 1MMR*:3HIB Ohio 76.3 74.7 Cuyahoga 74.0 72.8 Franklin (Columbus) 79.3 78.3 Rest of State 76.2 74.5
OHIO Population of State = 11.4 million* Cleveland = 478,000 Cincinnati = 331,000 Columbus = 702,000 Annual Birth Cohort = 155,700** Franklin County (Columbus) = 17,400 * U.S. Census Data 2000, ** Ohio Department of Health Vital Statistics
Project L. O. V. E. (Love Our Kids. Vaccinate Early Project L.O.V.E. (Love Our Kids...Vaccinate Early!) is a unique partnership between Franklin County hospitals, area physicians, City of Columbus and Franklin County Health Departments, local businesses and community organizations, whose goal is to assure that Franklin County 2 year-olds are fully immunized.
Project L.O.V.E. Two Primary Goals Market an Immunization Registry among central Ohio physicians in order to establish a centralized source of individual immunization records across the county and state Maintain and improve current immunization levels throughout the general population of Franklin County
Three Options Develop System Locally Buy HII or STC? ODH Money to develop AND sustain Technical upkeep Buy HII or STC? Money to purchase AND Maintenance Not “our” system Web-based ODH “Free” for us Our input made the system Strengths and Weaknesses Fit
STRENGTHS State – ODH Local – PLOVE/CHD IMPACT SIIS Local Contacts National/CDC Support Technical Staff and Resources Sustainability Privacy/Security/ Confidentiality Power and Influence Local – PLOVE/CHD Local Contacts Local Name Recognition for Coalition and Marketing Capability Funding for Marketing End User Perspective Not as Many Funding Constraints Incentive Due to Low Immunization Rates
Negatives Negative History (Trust Issues) Change in Leadership Getting to Know Each Other Communication Difficulties Technical vs Non-technical Tunnel Vision Misunderstandings Limited Staffing Different Perspective State vs Local Fear of Making “Another” Mistake
Positives Successful State and Local Partnership Immunization Registry Complimenting Strengths and Weaknesses Communication is More Open Different Perspectives State vs Local Improved Relations System That is User-Friendly and FREE
Public and Private Collaboration October 2002 - Prepare for Post Smallpox Event Thanksgiving - Phase 1 Pre-event Smallpox Plan Pre-event Vaccination System (PVS) Unknown system Keep the data locally and transmit to PVS IMPACT SIIS Public and Private Collaboration Increased Project LOVE Managed Data Component for Central Region
Central Ohio Region Phase I Collaboration 15 Counties 18 Health Departments 24 Hospitals* 4 Clinic Locations 2 in Franklin County 2 in Surrounding Counties * 2 Hospitals were not eligible to have Response Teams
Data Component Registries Play Major Role In BT Organized a Data Team *Trained Them On Both Systems PVS and IMPACT SIIS Can’t Receive Vaccine Without Signed Security Agreement for Registry Tracked Vaccine Recorded Temperature Logs
3 Levels of Collaboration Private Sector AMCI, Orkand and Pilot State Public Health ODH contract to develop and pilot BT component Certification from CDC Central Region Offered to Pilot and Double Enter Cost Survey
BT Component for Registry Scanning technology that meets the CDC requirements for tracking the administration of vaccinia vaccine two-dimensional bar coding software scan unique identifying information from a person’s driver’s license directly into a web-enabled registry Handhelds, laptops, printers and a wireless network
Project L.O.V.E. and the Central Ohio Smallpox Region is piloting the utilization of these scanners in order to determine the system’s ability to obtain the following objectives: To create a system that quickly and accurately records patient demographics and immunization data for all smallpox vaccine recipients to a web-enabled system utilizing scanning technology, enabling us to meet the demand of 11 million people within 10 days. To determine if the new technology can improve accuracy in a bioterrorism prevention immunization campaign. To determine the cost savings achieved through the implementation of this technology. To determine if the same technology can be incorporated into the daily immunization activity found in practices.
Without collaboration… Very few would be using the Registry Registry would not be user friendly Phase I would not have worked as well The pilot would have failed Ohio registry would have missed the chance to be involved with BT from the beginning We wouldn’t be as secure going into Phase II
If the registry is implemented successfully it will occur quietly If the registry is implemented successfully it will occur quietly. However, if the registry is not implemented successfully, it will be heard loudly.