Blue Devil Swim Club The Spring/Summer 2013 Membership Meeting Agenda Introduction –Jill Carlson Meet the Parent Board Committee Chairs Finances– Miriam Rinaldi Bill payment/Accounts Meet Fees Fundraising Volunteerism-Peggy Bell Other Info – Registration Update Tardiness policy BDSC Swim Suit policy Parents responsibilities Communication Coach Chris Coaching Staff Goals/Expectations Meet schedule Q & A
Meet the Parent Board Elected Board Members President – Jill Carlson Vice President – Treasurer – Miriam Rinaldi Secretary – Colleen Wade 12U M-A-L – Beth DeRosier 13O M-A-L – Peggy Bell Non-elected Board Members Chris Bertana (Head coach) Tim Beckmann (GPD) Molly Shumate (Meet Director) (Past President – non-voting) Board meets 1 st Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Parents are welcome to attend Staff Lounge WTHS OPlaine
Time To Vote The 12 and Under Member-at-Large position is up for election, Approval of Peggy Bell to fill VP position and updated by-laws. Only one candidate is running for 12 and Under member-at large position Beth DeRosier-12&U Member-at-Large Term starts May 1 St (two year term) VP Position will be through Sept 30, 2013
Time to Vote Continued- By-Law- Changes to be voted on tonight: Addition of Non-Voting Member to BOD - Immediate Past Treasurer Only one family member may serve on the BOD as a Voting Member at a time One person can not lead more than 2 committees at a time Addition of voice vote by acclamation (at General Meeting) for uncontested elections Defined how board vacancy is created (death, resignation, board resolution, member voting) Defined Vice Presidents powers in absence of President Board of Directors Conflict of Interest Policy
Blue Devil Committee Chairs CommitteeChair Person VolunteerPeggy Bell MembershipKelly McCollum SocialErin Pietranek Fundraising/ScripPeggy Schuler Goldman Travel MeetsKim Wells Apparel/Team GearJessica Kolz/Kathy Gernady Concessions/HospitalityJackie Kroc Publicity WebMasterTerri Grasty AwardsSue Hoffman OfficialsNeal Nash EscrowLynn Salisbury
Financial Info Miriam Rinaldi: Financial Summary Meet Fees Bill Payment Accounts
Company Snapshot Fiscal Year IncomeExpense Fall/Winter Registration$78,717 40% Coach Payroll/Expenses$81,842 69% Spring/Summer Registration$80,548 41% *Team Costs$10,675 9% Stroke Clinic$4,200 2% *Administrative costs$8,563 7% *Fundraisers$7,709 4% Reserve$0 0% Hosted Meet Income$24,600 12% Meet Expenses$13,333 11% Coaching Fees$2,740 1% Social Expense$4,246 4% $198, % $118, % *Fundraisers (Pie cards, Employee giving, Restaurant nights, Auction, Scrip) *Team Costs (Lifeguards, Pool Rental, Equipment, Apparel, etc.) *Administrative costs (Charter Fees, Postage, Office Supplies, Accounting fees, Bank fees, etc)
Meet Fee Payments Monthly Billing – Processed the 1 st of each month POLICY: If your meet fees are not paid after 30 days, your swimmer will not be able to swim at the next registered meet. Those fees have already been paid by BDSC to the host club. In order to ensure that BDSC fulfills its operational expenses, we must collect payments in a timely manner. PAYMENTS: Check or cash placed in the treasurer folder. Electronically via ACH transactions or credit cards (Visa, Mastercard and Discover) online. Electronic payments will incur a $3.00 processing fee per transaction which takes place once a month.
Blue Devil Swim Club Fundraising Not-for-Profit Organization Membership is considered small, approximately 100+ families at any time The more we raise the more we can offset club expenses Without support for fundraising, registration costs may go up
Fundraising allocation Possible 2013 fundraising allocation Clubs operating costs Equipment purchases Social event Apparel for swimmers fundraising allocation Team suits, both formal winter and summer banquets, equipment for concessions, training equipment for swimmers (including an underwater camera system).
Planned fundraising for 2013 Sponsorships on Website/Banner Sales SCRIP Employee Giving Additional Seasonal Fundraising: Local Restaurant Food nights(Spring/Summer).Culvers of Pleasant Prairie is hosting our first Fundraiser of the season during May Mania-May th.
Fundraising SCRIP – Jill Carlson Dates for the Spring/Summer (see website) When you make purchases, the club makes money at no extra cost to you! On-line ordering Presto Pay Orders placed on Monday, gift cards delivered on Thursday.
Volunteerism We are a parent run organization and count on all of you! Minimum Commitment Work all hosted meets (Dual Meets/Invites) Hosted meet positions under FAQs tab May Mania is May 17-19th (Rec Plex) Serve on a Committee Committee descriptions under FAQs tab Timing for away meets Volunteer check due at registration If commitment is not met your check will be cashed Volunteer Sign up-Peggy Bell We Need Officials!
Timer Information > As a Visiting Team, The Blue Devil Swim Club may be required to provide timers for 1-2 lanes. Assigned Timers must Check-In as to Receive Credit Toward your Volunteer Commitment to the BDSC. > Parents / Sponsors of Swimmers Registered to Swim in a meet are eligible for assignment as timers for that Meet. > It is the Responsibility of the Assigned Parent / Sponsor to Fulfill the Volunteer Assignment. > Parents are Responsible to Negotiate Any Assignment Changes with Other Parents assigned to the Meet or with Other Parents in the Club.
Officials Benefits of Becoming an Official Help support an excellent sport for children and promote a healthy lifestyle for children. Gain a more thorough understanding of swimming in particular, and sports in general. Fulfill volunteer obligations at club meets. Get closer to the action; know whats happening on deck with the best seat in the pool. Get mentally and physically engaged during the meet rather than merely spectating. Be cooler on deck than in the stands. Receive free admission and great hospitality during sessions officiated. If interested, visit
Registration Update Thanks to everyone who helped with the registration process Welcome new Blue Devil swimmers and parents The numbers 163 total swimmers! 130 returning! 33 new!
BDSC MEET TARDINESS POLICY It is very important for swimmers to be on-time to meets for positive check in and the start of warm-ups. Swimmers that are late are often not checked in and cause the coaches to have to scramble to get them back into the meet. Meet warm-up sessions are very important to a swimmers success at a meet. The warm-up session provides the swimmers the opportunity to get used to the pool, count their strokes in backstroke and in general get their body ready to race. Coaches plan warm-ups based on the number of swimmers that are present for a particular session. When swimmers are late, they are not provided with enough warm-up to get them ready for racing and often are a disruption to other swimmers who are there already warming up.
BDSC MEET TARDINESS POLICY CONT The following policies will be in place to provide a quality warm- up for those swimmers that are on time. Being on time means being on deck ready to get into the pool 15 minutes prior to the scheduled warm-up time. Meeting positive check-in deadlines and being on deck 15 minutes prior to warm ups are a swimmers responsibility. Unless a swimmer contacts a coach in advance, - Any swimmer arriving after warm ups have started will not be able to participate in the warm up session. - Swimmers arriving after positive check-in closes will not be allowed to swim. - Swimmers that are going to be late should contact Coach Chris at either via text or phone call.
BDSC SWIM SUIT POLICY In order to have consistency and create a team unified look the Coaches and Board have instituted the following policy for all swimmers. All swimmers must have a team suit to wear at meets. The team suit is not to be worn for practices in order for it to last throughout the entire season. Worn out (see through) suits should be replaced as soon as possible. Technical Suits (Fast suits) are intended to be worn at Championship meets only. While technical suits do help a swimmer go faster, the coaches want to see the swimmers succeed using the training provided in practices and not rely on a suit to help them go faster.
BDSC SWIM SUIT POLICY CONT There are some instances in which swimmers may wear a fast suit with a coachs permission. Permission must be obtained before the swimmer puts the suit on. Swimmers not getting permission will be asked to take the suit off before swimming. Here are some of the reasons for wearing a fast suit outside of a championship meet; A swimmers last opportunity to get a championship qualifying time. A prelim/final format meet.
Parent Responsibilities Any violation of the USA Swimming Code of Conduct is a violation of the BDSC code of conduct Who can be on deck? During Practice- swimmers, coaches, and board members (USA Swimming Credentials) During Meets- swimmers, coaches, officials, timers
Communication Mailbox Box outside pool area during practice Each of you have a family folder s From Coaches Update your account with a correct address From BOD From Treasurer All info is important. Please Read! Website Surf this regularly!! Review FAQs and site map.
Chris Bertana – Head Coach Sixth Year as Head Coach at BDSC Over 17 Years of Head Coaching Experience WTHS Boys Head Coach
Assistant Coaches Greta Nash- Lead Coach Junior Devils Devon Brown- Assistant Coach Junior Devils Kevin Kowalski- Lead Coach Bronze Jim McCullough- Assistant Coach Bronze Nancy Woloshyn- Lead Silver Coach Stephanie Kramer- Assistant Coach Silver Meaghann Fisher- Assistant Gold and Blue Coach Karin Brown- Assistant Head Coach, Dry land Coordinator, Orange, Yellow, and Green Coach Chris Bertana- Head Coach-Involved with all groups, Lead Gold and Blue Coach
Goals for the Team/Expectations Open Remarks from Chris Coaches Expectations Expectations of Swimmers
Meet schedule
Coach Chris Office Hours Office Hours- Monday through Friday - 10:00am-3:30pm. These office hours are listed for parents or swimmers as the best time to contact Chris via his cell phone. Cell Phone & address
Lets Go Blue Devils! Meet Sign-up: Dont forget. Please all account information on website. May Mania-all hands on deck! Notre Dame Meet-dont forget to book rooms. Visit website often for important information. Lets have a great Spring/Summer season!
Q&A New Parents-Please stay Returning Parents-Optional