Overall time schedule of SRF activities Nuno Elias Lead Engineer European Spallation Source ERIC 6th November 2018
Some remarks thank you all for your input! Typically we hold planning meetings every 2nd week. List of meetings since the last SRF collaboration meeting (@STFC) https://confluence.esss.lu.se/display/CRYOM/Activities+program+on+cavities+and+cryomodules+as+received+from+partners: Meeting - Friday October 19, 2018 Meeting - Friday October 5, 2018 Meeting - Friday September 20, 2018 Meeting - Friday September 7, 2018 Meeting - Friday August 24, 2018 Meeting - Friday July 27, 2018 Meeting - Friday July 13, 2018 Meeting - Friday June 29, 2018 Meeting - Friday June 15, 2018 Meeting - Friday June 1, 2018 Meeting - Friday May 18, 2018 Meeting - Friday May 04, 2018 thank you all for your input! I’m coming back from parental leave (back in the office since yesterday) Apologise if there is anything not up-to-date. Will be corrected with your feedback.
Overall View 7 months since last SRF Collaboration
Prototypes and Validations Spk-p CM and Spk-p VB: Tests finished at IPNO, shipped to UU and Installation at FREIA has taken place M-ECCTD: Refurbishment finalized, CM assembly done, Bunker installation done. Tests Ongoing at CEA H-ECCTD: Priority change (after M1). Components fabrication ongoing. Cavity Tests ongoing HB-cavity package: RF systems at UU fully operational. Package fully tested and sent back to CEA
Prototypes and Validations Spk-p VB and Spk-p CM: IPNO tests end +2mo, Start Installation at UU, +4mo (waited for HB pack tests) Start of Spk-p CM at UU, +5mo MECCTD: Start of test +4 mo H0: Priority change (moved to after M1): +10mo HB-pack: Start test: no delay, End test +2mo
Spokes Cavities and Cryomodules (Series) 4 Cavities have been fabricated and delivered to IPNO. Now at various stages of qualification 1 under test, 2 more planned test end November, 1 planned test inDecember. Hold point for release of cavity fabrication after 4 cavities tested. Items with on critical path Vacuum Vessel contract was signed (22mo delivery time). Expected April 2019
Spokes Cavities and Cryomodules (Series) 4 cavities ready: +4mo S1 Assy end: 0.5mo
Medium Beta Cavities and Cryomodules (Series) Nb: All batches have been produced at Nx scanned at Desy Cavity fabrication ongoing at EZ M1 priority changed (now before H0). M1 assembly start is decoupled from M0 test CM assembly contract placed and ready to start in Jan19.
Medium Beta Cavities and Cryomodules (Series) Nb: +2mo 6 cavities at CEA: +4mo M1 assy start: +2mo M2 assy start: +6mo M9 assy end: +6mo
High Beta Cavities and Cryomodules (Series) Nb: 4 batches have been produced at Nx, last batch to be received end of November. 4th bath at Desy Cavity fabrication contract assigned and K-O took place with RI. VTF installation taking shape. Commissioning.
High Beta Cavities and Cryomodules (Series) Nb: -1mo 6 cavities at CEA: +5mo H1 assy start: +7mo