California Department of Education Choosing Change CAEAA January 29, 2009 Debra Jones California Department of Education Good morning, I am truly honored to be here among you, the practitioners of adult education. We share the same roots. I began as a classroom teacher 25 years ago. But it was when I was 17 that I left California and moved to Alaska to work with a volunteer literacy program that served Innuits and Athabascans that were living in the city. And then in the early seventies when I worked with a community in Southern California that sponsored families of refugees from Viet Nam and every Wednesday night and Saturday morning we met to teach English and EL Civics classes – we called them “life in America classes.” Little did I know then that my personal passion would become my professional journey.
Employment Outcome Results This is a chart about our students in 06-07.
872 Students Got Jobs 2007-08 Core Follow-up Outcome Achievement Core Follow-up Outcome Measures Number of Participants with Main or Secondary Goal Number of Participants Included in Survey (Sampled and Universe) Number of Participants Responding to Survey or Used for Data Matching Response Rate or Percent Available for Match Number of Participants Achieving Outcome (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Entered Employment* 10,911 9,546 1532 16% 872 Retained Employment** 7,382 6,450 1172 18% 1089 Entered Postsecondary Education or Training**** 6,778 5,660 1,034 438 And these are the numbers for07-08
Dwell in possibilities… Emily Dickinson And finally, I live with a sense of urgency that we have a window of an opportunity to position ourselves, to position adult education in this chaotic economy as the fort of strength. California adult education plays a critical role in addressing the unique and evolving needs of individuals and communities by providing adults with the knowledge and skills necessary to participate effectively as productive citizens, workers, and family members. To get from here to there requires passion, creativity, and innovation. It is learning to dream in color. as we learn to balance challenges unparralleled to what we have faced in many years.