Proposal for Visualisation of Groundwater Bodies 13. 11. 2008 Working Group C, Paris Hana Prchalova, Vit Kodeš, CENIA
Content of Presentation WFD Art. V Groundwater body data gap analysis Case study of GWB visualisation Recommendation Request 13. 11. 2008 Working Group C, Paris Hana Prchalova, Vit Kodeš, CENIA
WFD Art. V Groundwater body data gap analysis Article 5 centroid Data Delivery Status (JRC Dataset) Article 5 polygon data delivery status (CDR upload) Article V centroids and polygon availability Conclusions 13. 11. 2008 Working Group C, Paris Hana Prchalova, Vit Kodeš, CENIA 3
Article 5 centroid Data Delivery Status (JRC Dataset) 13. 11. 2008 Working Group C, Paris Hana Prchalova, Vit Kodeš, CENIA 4
Article 5 polygon data delivery status (CDR upload) 13. 11. 2008 Working Group C, Paris Hana Prchalova, Vit Kodeš, CENIA 5
Article V centroids and polygon availability 13. 11. 2008 Working Group C, Paris Hana Prchalova, Vit Kodeš, CENIA 6
Conclusions Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Latvia, Netherlands, Sweden, Slovakia provided complete and matching official polygon and centroid datasets There are centroid dataset available for Austria and Slovenia; polygon datasets can be used if officially approved by those member states. Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal and Spain national polygon and centroid datasets need either correction or verification by member states United Kingdom has provided centroid data and should provide a polygon dataset. Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Italy, Malta, and Romania have not provided any data and should be asked to provide national centroid and polygon datasets. 13. 11. 2008 Working Group C, Paris Hana Prchalova, Vit Kodeš, CENIA 7
Groundwater Bodies Delineation in Member States (case study) Czech Republic – 3 GWBs layers Slovak Republic – 3 GWBs layers Germany – 2 GWBs layers Poland – 1 GWBs layer Austria – 3 GWBs layers 13. 11. 2008 Working Group C, Paris Hana Prchalova, Vit Kodeš, CENIA 8
Current situation - all layers together (CR) 13. 11. 2008 Working Group C, Paris Hana Prchalova, Vit Kodeš, CENIA 9
Visualisation of Groundwater Bodies in International RBDs (case study) Risk assessment of groundwater bodies in International Elbe River Basin District (Report 2005, International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe River) Upper layer of GWBs: not at risk at risk Main layer of GWBs: Deep layer of GWBs: 13. 11. 2008 Working Group C, Paris Hana Prchalova, Vit Kodeš, CENIA 10
Different Types of Groundwater Body Layers (case study) Localy delineated quarternary deposits (CR, SK) Main layer of groudwater bodies – the entire area of RBD (all MS) Deep hydrogeological structures – localy delineated (DE, CR, AT) Thermal waters (SK, AT) 13. 11. 2008 Working Group C, Paris Hana Prchalova, Vit Kodeš, CENIA 11
Proposal of Groundwater Bodies visualisation in Central Europe Join the same types of groundwater bodies Groundwater reference layer: uppermost horizon = quarternary alluvial deposits (> 100 km2) + main layer WISE viewer map – possibility of visualisation of all groundwater layers 13. 11. 2008 Working Group C, Paris Hana Prchalova, Vit Kodeš, CENIA 12
Proposal of Groundwater Bodies visualisation in Central Europe 13
Request Member states provide assignment of GWBs to horizons or provide GWBs layers separately Member states identify different types of GWB layers or horizons 13. 11. 2008 Working Group C, Paris Hana Prchalova, Vit Kodeš, CENIA 14
Thank you for your attention 13. 11. 2008 Working Group C, Paris Hana Prchalova, Vit Kodeš, CENIA