5/3/2019 Astronomy 101 The Solar System Tuesday, Thursday Tom Burbine tomburbine@astro.umass.edu
Course Course Website: Textbook: 5/3/2019 Course Course Website: http://blogs.umass.edu/astron101-tburbine/ Textbook: Pathways to Astronomy (2nd Edition) by Stephen Schneider and Thomas Arny. You also will need a calculator.
There is an Astronomy Help Desk that is open Monday-Thursday evenings from 7-9 pm in Hasbrouck 205. There is an open house at the Observatory every Thursday when it’s clear. Students should check the observatory website before going since the times may change as the semester progresses and the telescope may be down for repairs at times. The website is http://www.astro.umass.edu/~orchardhill/index.html.
Exam #3 Next Thursday Covers everything from February 23rd to March 25th Formulas: density = mass/volume volume of sphere = (4/3)r3 n = no(1/2)(t/half-life) F = GMm/r2 I wouldn’t forget the formulas that we learned previously
Exam #3 Same other room for exam Review session: Wednesday – March 31 – 6:00 pm Hasbrouck 20
HW #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, and #15
Any Questions?