Evaluation of Public Administrations‘ Added Value to the Lisbon Strategy Goals The DG’s acknowledged the importance of the e-Gov and encourage that work will be taken forward in the context of the network bearing in mind the evaluation reorientation. As a result of the two working group meetings, it was deemed necessary to adopt new working methods, with more clear orientation to results and in closer articulation with the other EUPAN working groups. Furthermore, it had been taken into account the importance of the experience and knowledge added up by the working group as well as the specific character of the aforementioned knowledge. 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting
Presentations of Finland and Bulgaria Evaluation of Public Administrations‘ Added Value to the Lisbon Strategy Goals Introduction Presentations of Finland and Bulgaria Q-A / Discussion related to the cases presentation Introduction to group work Work in groups Groups presentations Discussion 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting
49th DG Meeting, Lisbon, December 2007 »The Directors-General recognise the value in establishing as one of the MTP main priorities the »enhancing of the efficiency and effectiveness of public administration« for attaining the Lisbon Agenda goals. It reflects the importance given to the increase of confidence in government institutions, on the quality of the services provided, on the improvement of its performance, by adopting e.g. public management best practices, as well as new means of dealing with the citizens, through new technologies and new modes of communication.« 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting
Medium Term Programme 2008 – 2009 Directors-General of Public Administration »agree that the Network will continue to take into account the Lisbon goals as well the foreseen revision of the Lisbon Strategy in the new MTP 2008-2009.« 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting
To investigate the area from the point of view of the IPSG and Purpose To investigate the area from the point of view of the IPSG and to identify which actions launched within the National Action Programmes for achieving Lisbon Strategy goals related to their public administrations generated the most added value. 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting
Expected Results Presentation of the results at the 5QC conference in October 2008 in Paris, Publication – printed version, to be disseminated at the 5QC; pdf version – to be published at the EUPAN web page, Presentation of countries' cases / projects which contributed the most to the Lisbon goals in an individual country, Presentation / review of contribution to the realisation of Lisbon Strategy goals, from the IPSG's point of view 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting
Proposed Timing 2008 Discussion at the IPSG I meeting 18-19 Feb Call for providing the information / template 25 Feb Information from the MS 31 March Discussion on draft report at the IPSG II meeting 12-13 May Preparation of second draft 4 July Finalising the report, printing a publication for the 5QC October 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting
Lisbon Strategy. Changes in Ministerial Structure (Katju Holkeri) Case of Finland Lisbon Strategy. Changes in Ministerial Structure (Katju Holkeri) Q-A Session 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting
Case of Bulgaria Contribution of the Administrative Reform to the Lisbon Strategy (Marieta Todorova) Q-A Session 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting
Three groups / three Glass Halls Discussion in groups on: Work in Groups Three groups / three Glass Halls Discussion in groups on: Role of Public Administrations in achieving the LS goals; Proposed questions for providing country information; Presentation of study’s results; Other … Group reports and discussion in plenary 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting