Welcome to the ABC Bakers webinar on uploading booth sale locations, dates and times.
Smart Cookies – Booth Upload Process The Upload Process Booth locations can be uploaded with or without date and time data within the Times tab. If only uploading locations, the data on the Times tab is not mandatory. Locations can be imported during an initial upload, then date and times uploaded during a subsequent upload or entered manually. New this season: Booths can be uploaded with troops pre-assigned to booth timeslots
Upload Location / Time slots link The Upload Location / Time slots link is located on the Manage Booths page, above the upper left corner of the booth locations grid.
Selecting your Upload File Once the Upload Location / Time slots link is selected, the upload popup window is displayed. From this window the user can either drag and drop their upload file onto the upload circle, or click the upload circle to display a standard file selection option.
Booth Upload Results While your file is processing, a popup window will display the message ‘Loading…This may take several minutes’. Once the file has finished processing, you will see the message ‘Upload was successful. You will also receive an upload confirmation email containing stats regarding your upload.
Booth Upload Confirmation Email If there are errors or conflicts within in the upload template, you will be notified of the error details through an error report file attached to the confirmation email. This report is in the format of the upload template, allowing you to correct the errors within that file and upload again with the corrected information. The error details are in column AD within the Locations tab, and column J within the Times tab.
Export to Excel link The Export to Excel link is located under the booth locations grid. Once all booth files have been uploaded, you can export this report and view every booth location that has been entered into the system. This report exports into the actual upload template format. So the next season when you go to re-upload your booths, you can just export what you have in the system. You can edit the file or add/delete locations, then build in your time and date information on the Times tab to import back into Smart Cookies.
Required Fields – Locations Tab LocationID* Status Reserved for Reserved Until StoreName* LocationInformation Address1* Address2 City* State* Zip Code* BoothNotes SpecialNotes CouncilContactRole* CouncilContactFirstName* CouncilContactLastName* CouncilContactEmail CouncilContactPhone* LocationContactRole LocationContactFirstName LocationContactLastName LocationContactPhone LocationContactEmail IsPremium IsLottery The required fields from the Locations tab are marked with asterisks.
Required Fields – Times Tab LocationID* Months* Days* Time Range Start* Time Range To* Duration* Troop# The required fields from the Times tab are marked with asterisks. These fields are only required if date and times are uploaded with locations.
Locations Tab - Field Data Requirements Location ID (Col. A) required field The LocationID should be entered using numbers that are sequential. If you use multiple templates, you can number them all using 1-50, there is no need for unique location ID’s per booth location for each template. The number is only specific to the template and is not captured within the system during the import, so there is no risk of overwriting data. Status (Col. B) Enter “Active” if you want the booth location to be to be active the moment you upload it (not case sensitive). If you do not want your council managed booth visible to troops immediately, leave the field blank. You can still enter the date/time data and keep them inactive until you are ready to activate them manually within the Manage Booths grid in SMART COOKIES. Reserved for (Col. C) Note: Each Council determines if this feature will be used. This field is associated with Col D.; both fields must be populated if this feature is used. Districts and Service Units can reserve booths specifically for their area. If a booth is entered and tagged to a specific District or Service Unit, only Troops in that District or Service Unit will be able to schedule a booth for that location. To populate this field, add a “D” or an “S” to the front of the District or Service Unit name as it is displayed in SMART COOKIES. ie: SServiceUnitName or DDistrictName
Locations Tab - Field Data Requirements continued Reserved Until (Col. D) Note: This field is associated with Col C. and must be populated with a date. This field is used with the “Reserved for” (Col C.) field. This sets the time limit that a location is reserved for the District or Service Unit specified in Col. C. After the date specified, the booths will then be opened up and available to all troops in a council. If the booth should only be available to troops within a designated District or Service Unit throughout the entire sale, the date should be set to the end of the sale. You can reserve the dates and you can release them based on the time frame you set (or reset) for each booth location. ie: 3/16/2018 StoreName (Col. E) required field Actual name of the store is entered into this field. No special characters except: & . $ ! # () - ' /, ie: Walmart Note: In certain instances this field may be the same in both Col. E and Col. F, should there only be a single instance of the location within the sales area.
Locations Tab - Field Data Requirements continued LocationInformation (Col. F) required field A more specific description of the store and where it is located is entered into this field, so it can be distinguished from locations with the same name. This can be a mall name, area of a town, subdivision etc… No special characters except: & . $ ! # () - ' /, ie: “Walmart – Broad Street” vs “Walmart – Glenn Allen” Address1 (Col. G) required field Street address is entered here. No special characters except: & . $ ! # () - ' /, ie: 2622 Mountain Road Address2 (Col. H) Additional address information is entered here ie: Apt 25
Locations Tab - Field Data Requirements continued City (Col. I) required field The city is entered here. No special characters except: & . $ ! # () - ' /, State (Col. J) required field Two character state abbreviation is entered here. ie: VA, NC, TX, CA, etc. ZipCode (Col. K) required field Five digit zip code is entered here. ie: 23220 BoothNotes (Col. L) If there are special instructions that a troop needs to be aware of, you can include those here. There is a 250 character limit for this field, including spaces. This information will display for all users. SpecialNotes (Col. M) There is a 250 character limit for this field, including spaces. This information will display for those with edit booth access only.
Locations Tab - Field Data Requirements continued CouncilContactRole (Col. N) required field This field identifies the role of the council contact for this location. CouncilContactFirstName (Col. O) First name of the council contact. No special characters except: & . $ ! # () - ' /, CouncilContactLastName (Col. P) Last name of the council contact. No special characters except: & . $ ! # () - ' /, CouncilContactEmail (Col.Q) This field contains the council contacts email address. CouncilContactPhone (Col. R) required field Phone number should be entered in either format shown below. The location will be marked as an error during the upload if these formats are not used. ie: (999) 999-9999 999-999-9999
Locations Tab - Field Data Requirements continued LocationContactRole (Col. S) required field This field identifies the role of the location contact for this location. LocationContactFirstName (Col. T) First name of the location contact. No special characters except: & . $ ! # () - ' /, LocationContactLastName (Col. U) Last name of the location contact. No special characters except: & . $ ! # () - ' /, LocationContactEmail (Col. W) This field contains the location contacts email address. LocationContactPhone (Col.V) Phone number should be entered in either format shown below. The location will be marked as an error during the upload if these formats are not used. ie: (999) 999-9999 999-999-9999
Locations Tab - Field Data Requirements continued IsPremium (Col. X) This field designates a specific location as a Premium location. A “Yes”, or “Y”, or “T” or “TRUE” or “X” in this field indicates a “Yes” designation. Empty or "NO" or "N" or "F" or "FALSE" (not case sensitive) is a “No” designation. IsLottery (Col. Y) This field will configure the location to be part of the lottery.
Times Tab - Field Data Requirements LocationID (Col. A) required field The Location ID on the Times tab for each date/time should match the Location ID entered for the corresponding booth on the Locations tab. Months (Col. B) required field Enter Month: Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May If using multiples, separate with a comma. Days (Col. C) required field Enter day, or days if similar hours are available over multiple days. ie: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun or 1,2,3…31 can be used instead. Separate with commas. Time Range Start (Col. D) required field Insert start time for the booth location. ie: 8 am or 08:00 am, 8 pm or 08:00 pm.
Times Tab - Field Data Requirements continued Time Range To (Col. E) required field Insert end time for the booth location. ie: 8 am or 08:00 am, 8 pm or 08:00 pm. Length (Col. F) required field Enter the length of each booth slot in minutes ie: 30 min = 30 1 hour = 60 2 hours =120; 2.5 hours = 150 3 hours = 180; 4 hours = 240, etc. The minimum booth sale time length is 30 minutes. Create booth sales of equal lengths for easy and efficient entry. Troop# (Col. G) This will assign the troop number to the booth location timeslot. Must match a troop number that is in Smart Cookies. ie: 624
This concludes the PowerPoint on uploading booth locations/dates/times This concludes the PowerPoint on uploading booth locations/dates/times. If more information is needed, please contact your Council. Thank you