Validation of ChIP-seq reads. Validation of ChIP-seq reads. ChIP-qPCR was carried out for 12 genes with different functional annotations. Binding profile of sequenced read coverage across genic structure of selected targets is depicted. Each gene structure is shown schematically on the x axis and the scale bar on the top right indicates gene length. Black boxes are exons and black lines indicate introns. White boxes represent UTRs and the white pentagon (3′UTR) shows the gene orientation. Vertical (y axis) gray open boxes depict the region assessed for enrichment by ChIP-qPCR. The histogram bars represent enrichment measures after normalization to 10% of the input chromatin in each case. Open bars show levels in Mock (no antibody controls) and the solid bars quantitate data from OsMADS1 ChIP. Error bars represent se from two independent ChIP replicates. Asterisk indicates significant enrichment in IP over mock at * = P < 0.05, ** = P < 0.01, and *** = P < 0.001, respectively. Imtiyaz Khanday et al. Plant Physiol. 2016;172:372-388 ©2016 by American Society of Plant Biologists