Ohio Government
I. Original Ohio Constitution General Assembly was the preeminent branch of government. Key judicial & executive officers (other than the governor) were appointed by the legislature and not elected by the people of Ohio. The Governor was elected, but had few specific powers. The Supreme Court was required to meet once a year in every county, but found that difficult. State was burdened with a significant amount of debt. CS18
II. Ohio Constitution of 1851 Provided that major executive officers and judges were to be elected by popular vote. Powers of the governor weren’t significantly increased Legislative powers to enact retroactive laws were prohibited and all laws of a general nature were required to be uniform throughout the state. CS18
III. Ohio Constitution of 1851 District courts were added to the court system to reduce the burdens upon the Supreme Court. Instituted debt limitations, banned poll taxes, and required that tax funds be used only for their stated purposes. CS18
IV. The State of Ohio & the Federal Government Ohio Constitution must be consistent with the basic principles outlined in the U.S. Constitution (Article VI). Ohio Constitution outlines the powers and functions of state government and provides the context for local government in the state. CS19
V. Ohioans and their civic responsibilities Ohioans are involved in state government in ways like paying taxes, serving in the National Guard, running for state office, and voting and signing petitions to place issues on the ballot. Ohioans are involved in local government ranging from organizing civic activities to attending meetings of boards or commissions, joining a watch group and serving in a volunteer fire department. CS20
VI. Public Policy at the State Level Ohio State Legislature is called the General Assembly. It meets at the State Capitol building in Columbus. It is responsible for making laws and public policies for the State of Ohio. House of Representatives- 99 Members Senate- 33 Members The Ohio Legislative Service Commission assists in drafting legislation. CS 21
VII. Public Policy at the State Level State Judicial Branch is made up of the Ohio Supreme Court and lower courts. Ohio Court of Common Pleas applies sentencing guidelines for convicted felons. CS21
VIII. Public Policy at the Local Level County commissions or boards of trustees make the local laws and determine grant tax abatements. CS 21
IX. Public Policy at all levels... Public policy is complex and may involve multiple levels and branches of government. These levels and branches may engage in collaboration or conflict as they address issues. Examples: 2010 Federal Race-to-the-Top education grants, the cleanup of the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Arizona’s planned enforcement of immigration laws in 2010. CS21