Take It To The House The Wise Old Senate I’m Just A Bill One House… Two House Check Yes or No 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
What is the term length for a member of the House?
2 years
The formal qualifications for a member of the House
What are at least 25 years old, U. S What are at least 25 years old, U.S. citizen for 7 years, must be a resident of the state they represent
Presides over the House of Representatives, chosen from the majority party
Who is the Speaker of the House
Constitution makes no mention of them, but these bodies play an essential role in the lawmaking process, they sift through and decide the fate of bills
What are committees
The total number of representatives in the House
The name of box in which all proposed bills are placed
What is the Hopper
The 3 formal qualifications to be a Senator
What are at least 30 years old, U. S What are at least 30 years old, U.S. citizen for 9 years, must be a resident of the state they represent
The Senate has the privilege to “talk a bill to death”
What is a filibuster
The person who presides over the Senate
Who is the President of the Senate (Vice President of the U.S.)
Person who presides over the Senate when the President of the Senate is not present
Who is the President pro tempore
How is a filibuster ended?
Cloture- 60 votes
The only person who can sponsor or introduce a Bill
Who is any member of Congress
The majority of votes needed to override the President’s veto of a bill
What is 2/3 majority in both houses
What is a joint committee?
A committee made up of members from both houses.
Voting the way constituents want representatives to vote…
Majority and Minority Leaders are assisted by whom
What is minority/majority whips
DOUBLE JEOPARDY Great center of information containing almost 100 million items and is run by Congress
What is the Library of Congress
What is a standing committee?
A permanent committee focused on key issues.
The term used to identify the people from the home state that Representatives and Senators represent in Congress
Who is your constituency
Drawing district lines to concentrate the oppositions’ voters in one or a few districts
What is gerrymandering
Who is the current speaker of the house?
Paul Ryan
The number of representatives GA has
What is 14
What implied power comes from the expressed power to tax?
Punishment of tax evaders 2 Punishment of tax evaders 2. Support public schools, welfare, and public housing
When states lose or gain seats in the House of Representatives due to changes in population
What is reapportionment
Who are members of congress influenced by?
Constituents, special interest groups, party members, PACs, staff members
DOUBLE JEOPARDY The President can veto a bill, sign it, or do this 3rd thing with the bill
What is do nothing, and after 10 days it automatically becomes a law