By: Anusri Nagalla Block 2 A-day The 6 Conflicts By: Anusri Nagalla Block 2 A-day
Nationalism Nationalism: When countries think that they are the best out of all the countries. 1 Country Detail and 1 why go to War: Great Britain thought they could expand the British empire. They also thought that it had the strongest navy force in the world. This caused Great Britain to enter WWI because Germany also had a strong navy and they sunk Great Britain’s ships. 1 Country Detail and 1 why go to War Germany seen as the great enemy of France and the French people. This caused Germany to enter WWI because They thought they were better than France and Austria. ALL Countries: Nationalism caused all countries to enter WWI All thought they were the best and nobody can rule them.
Alliances Triple Alliance Triple Entene Alliances: When counties get together and stick together and they fight wars together. 1 Country Detail and 1 why go to War: Russia fails to control its diplomatic client, Serbia, and fails to achieve a stable working relationship. This caused Russia to enter WWI because Serbia accuses Russia and attacks them. 1 Country Detail and 1 why go to War: Germany failed to keep Austria- Hungary in check. This caused Austria to enter WWI because Austria went out of control and attacked Russia. ALL Countries: Alliances caused all countries to enter WWI because they all needed something from other counties, and people were not in check, and getting out of control. Triple Alliance Triple Entene
Imperialism Imperialism: The policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies. 1 Country Detail and 1 why go to War: Great Britain is not interested in expanding the empire, but in keeping what it already has. This caused Great Britain to enter WWI because since Great Britain stopped expanding its empire, other countries wanted to take over. 1 Country Detail and 1 why go to War: Germany wanted an area of land that Russia owned, so Russia entered world war 1. This caused Serbia enter WWI because ALL Countries: Serbia wanted an area called Bosnia that belonged to Austria so they became friends with Russia. Alliances caused all countries to enter WWI All the counties wanted an area that belonged to another country.
Militarism Arms Race War Russia Austria War England Germany Right to have and control a military. 1 Country Detail and 1 why go to War: Great Britain only wanted to protect its empire, but thought it wasn’t right to fight for it using the navy or army. This caused Great Britain to enter WWI because Germany promised Great Britain that they wont sink any of their ships, but they went behind GB back and did it anyway. 1 Country Detail and 1 why go to War: Russia wanted to have the strongest army base in the world so it went the war agents Austria. 1 Country Detail and 1 why go to War: This caused England enter WWI because England and Germany both had a strong naval race, so they both were fighting agents one another. ALL Countries: Militarism caused all countries to enter WWI Counties were competitive and not reliable. War Russia Austria War England Germany
Spark “Assassination” It is when the emperor of Austria (Francis Ferdinand) was killed. 1 Country Detail and 1 why go to War: Austria went on war with Serbia because Francis Ferdinand was killed in Bosnia. This caused Serbia to enter WWI because Austria accused them for the killing of Francis Ferdinand. 1 Country Detail and 1 why go to War: Serbia became friends with France so that they can have an army of their own if Austria attacks. This caused France to enter WWI because They had to help Serbia, because they promised. Spark “Assassination” caused all countries to enter WWI Countries were asking everyone to help. WAR!!!!!!!!
U.S. Spark Unrestricted Sub Warfare Unrestricted submarine warfare is a type of naval warfare in which submarines sink merchantmen without warning. It was when Germany and France had fought agents each other. The U.S. only joined it because it wasn’t in anyone of the alliances with the other groups. Zimmerman Telegram The Zimmermann Telegram (or Zimmermann Note) was a 1917 diplomatic proposal from the German empire to Mexico to make war against United States. Mexico did had warfare agents the United States. Mexico lost many people, but Germany just laughed, because they wanted to make the U.S. tired.
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