How to find your way around … You can play the PowerPoint and the Test here. Example Course
How to find your way around … Always click the ‘home’ icon to save your progress and log off. This is important! Example Course
Diabetes Awareness Level 3 is aimed at all staff who prescribe and manage insulin therapy autonomously.
‘Diabetes Awareness Level 2’ Before continuing please ensure that you have a pen / paper to note down the website and instructions This course is now for medical staff only. For non-medical staff please see ‘Diabetes Awareness Level 2’ If you are medical staff then please continue to read how to access the training. The following training is to be completed on the following website: You can either go directly to this site by typing this address into your browser or launch it by clicking the link that is below this slideshow within OLM. 1. Select the England icon
2. Select the appropriate button to either create an account or log in if you have already registered with this website 3. Accept the terms and conditions and click register
4. Use the drop down menu to select 5. Select the modules that you need to complete,(if unsure ask your line manager)
6. Complete the registration form fully and click on the register button 7. Once you have received the confirmation e mail you will be able to log into the site and undertake the training 8. It is recommended that you save the site as a favourite / bookmark on your internet provider to make it easier to return to it when you want to continue. When you have completed your training keep your “Self-assessment Record (or any other evidence of the completed training for your records
Remember!!! When you have completed the training you are required to return to the OLM site and complete the test question that is on this course. (This asks whether you have completed the training), this will then update your training tracker record.