Career & Technical Education
CTE WORKS! SUMMIT 2018 October 30, 2018 Brooklyn Park, MN Rural CTE Consortium MEMBER SCHOOL DISTRICTS Update the list of partners Update the box CTE WORKS! SUMMIT 2018 October 30, 2018 Brooklyn Park, MN
State of CTE in Southwest Minnesota
Student Interests and Pereceptions
Student Interests and Pereceptions
Student Interests and Pereceptions
Student Interests and Pereceptions
Student Interests and Pereceptions
What is LYFT Career Pathways? Launch Your Future Today (LYFT) is a rural career and technical education (CTE) pathway initiative with the purpose of rebuilding CTE in southwest and west central Minnesota. Brief history of shared CTE and LYFT “LYFT Career Pathway funding support was made available through a $3 million 2017 Minnesota Legislative grant”.
The Goal of LYFT Career Pathways? The goal of LYFT Pathways is for every secondary student in the region to gain marketable skills through meaningful CTE courses and opportunities, which leads to further education and careers that match our region’s labor market needs.
A Collaborative Model Insert some labor market stats in 1 or 2 slides prior to this one
Promotional Video Link needs to be updated Keep the video?
Minnesota River Valley CTE Collaborative PARTNERS SWWC Minnesota River Valley Ed District SW MN Private Industry Council Minnesota West Dept. Employment & Economic Dev (DEED) Yellow Medicine East Lakeview MACCRAY Renville County West Montevideo
Student Course Survey Results Medical and Health Careers Internship Law Enforcement - Criminal Justice Career Education and Planning Entrepreneurship Construction Mechanics Manufacturing Computer Programming Engineering Robotics Computer Technology Digital Electronics Intro. to Teaching Alternative Energy
Minnesota River Valley CTE Consortium COURSES Taught Using a Hybrid Delivery Model Introduction to Medical and Health Careers Nursing Assistant Introduction to Manufacturing and Engineering Information Technology Concepts Introduction to Education Introduction to Construction Methods Electrical Controls I Electrical Controls II May need to edit this slide
Critical Business Partnerships Talk about postsecondary advisory committees
Critical Business Partnerships Tom will discuss this slide
Youth Career Navigator Help facilitate worksite experiences between students, schools and employers Support Employer Partners (worksite supervisors as coaches/mentors) Focus on the design and implementation of the paid experiential learning opportunities Audra’s position
Helping Students Succeed Use student stories with pics
Helping Students Succeed
Helping Students Succeed
Helping Students Succeed
Helping Students Succeed
Helping Students Succeed
Helping Students Succeed
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