Good morning! Please get out your Impacts of the Great Depression chart, your Hoover vs. FDR chart, your Major Themes sheet, and any notes you may have. You’ll need ½ sheet of paper for a brief quiz.
Four Minutes Quiz Write a thesis statement… How similar were FDR’s and Hoover’s approaches to addressing the problems of the Great Depression? To change the timings of this timer, you need to enter the animation settings, and change the timings for the Isosceles Triangles. There will be 2 that need changing (to the same amount) – one animates the top triangle emptying, whilst the other animates the bottom triangle filling. When you change the timings these have to entered as a number of seconds. End
After initial hesitation to use the power of the federal government to address the problems of the Great Depression Hoover did take some relatively bold steps. However, Hoover’s cautious approach would pale in comparison to the dramatically strong and multi-faceted approach of FDR and his New Deal to use federal power in ways that few had ever envisioned.
Compare/contrast the philosophy of each. GQ#2 - How effective were the strategies used by Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt to deal with the domestic problems facing the USA in the 1930s? Compare/contrast the philosophy of each. Create a Venn diagram ½ group read each doc Then share your findings Be prepared to discuss with the class
Herbert Hoover Philosophically Opposed Bold response But… 1932 Reconstruction Finance Corporation Public Works Home Loan Bank Act Effects But… Called for tax hike in 1931 Hawley-Smoot Tariff Opposed Unemployment Ins. Bonus Army
Paper 2 Part A Why did President Hoover struggle to deal with the impact of the Great Crash? List of reasons Explanations of each with vocab Most significant?
1932 Election Candidates Philosophies
Shift in power to whom?
Franklin D. Roosevelt Philosophy & Goals Keynesian Economics “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Relief Recovery Reform Keynesian Economics “Priming the Pump” Brain Trust Rejected laissez-faire Competition of ideas Eleanor Roosevelt The First Hundred Days
Alphabet Soup What is your agency or program & what did it do? What problem does it seek to address? How so? Organize these by category. Explain. Organize by how radical or controversial they were. Explain Organize by significance or importance in addressing the problems of the GD. Explain
The Hundred Days Banking Crisis Bank Holiday Emergency Banking Act Fireside chats FDIC (Glass-Steagall Act)
The Hundred Days Relief Home Owners Loan Corp. Farm Credit Admin. CCC FERA CWA
For Recovery NIRA PWA NRA: Business cooperation AAA: subsidies TVA*
For Reform & Regulation Federal Securities Act Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) Buying on Margin
Practice Paper 2 Part A Why did FDR’s presidency begin with “100 Days” of action?
The Dust Bowl Great Plains Massive drought 1932-’34 Effect Okies The Grapes of Wrath