CSSSS 10.4: The New Imperialism


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Presentation transcript:

CSSSS 10.4: The New Imperialism pp. 284-343

10.4 Students analyze patterns of global change in the era of New Imperialism in at least two of the following regions or countries: Africa, Southeast Asia, China, India, Latin America, and the Philippines. 10.4.1 Describe the rise of industrial economies and their link to imperialism and colonialism (e.g., the role played by national security and strategic advantage; moral issues raised by the search for national hegemony, Social Darwinism, and the missionary impulse; material issues such as land, resources, and technology). 10.4.2 Discuss the locations of the colonial rule of such nations as England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Portugal, and the United States. 10.4.3 Explain imperialism from the perspective of the colonizers and the colonized and the varied immediate and long-term responses by the people under colonial rule. 10.4.4 Describe the independence struggles of the colonized regions of the world, including the roles of leaders, such as Sun Yat-sen (Sun Yixian) in China, and the roles of ideology and religion.

Intro to Imperialism

Why Imperialism? Industrialization gave Europeans and some other powers the technology to take over the rest of the world more rapidly. Gold and religion were still important motivations, but new motivations included but now factories and societies wanted resources, new markets, and cheap sources of human labor. Most of the world was taken over by imperialist powers by 1914. Social Darwinism justified White takeover of other ethnic groups lands, resources, and even labor.

Imperialism: When one nation controls the political, economic, or cultural life and/or territory of another nation or region. mercantilism: taking foreign lands, starting colonies, forcing those colonies to only trade with the home empire.

CSSSS 10.4: The New Imperialism pp. 284-343

Old Imperialist motivations (5) (think back to 7th grade) Gold Spread Christianity Pearls Perfume Spice

And had small holdings in: Africa, China, (3) Early Imperialism: 1492-1750 Europeans, led by Spain and Portugal, controlled lands in: South Asia, (3) Cotton Tea Opium The Americas (5) Tobacco Indigo Sugar Gold, And had small holdings in: Africa, Slaves China, (3) Porcelain Jade Silk The Western Pacific (3) Whaling Furs Spices

New Imperialist motivations (10) Spread Christianity Manufacturers wanted resources and markets Bankers and investors wanted investments Room to send excess population from home empire Bases for merchant and naval shipping (coal and supplies) Land to prevent competing imperialists from growing Prestige (importance) in owning more land than other imperialists Superior technology Paternalism Social Darwinism

Two points of view in the Industrially powerful nations. Anti-Imperialist: (minority at the time) Some in the modern developed world regret what was done to the rest of the world. No country has the right to take over another or tell it how to live. Pro-Imperialist: (majority at the time) others believed that The world was there for the taking. the rest of the world would benefit from Imperialist control and development.

Two Worlds Today; describe what you think they are. Developed world: rich, modern nations Developing world: struggling, modernizing nations

What made the rest of the world weak enough to be taken over? (3) Declining civilizations with old technology (Middle East, India, China, and Africa) Wars between peoples in regions like Africa The slave trade in Africa and Asia

Imperialist Powers (12) use the maps in the imperialism sections 10 minutes Write the name of the country, not the adjective Don’t write names of colonies (lands owned by imperialists)

Imperialist Powers (12) use the maps in the imperialism sections Great Britain France Belgium Germany Russia Italy Japan United States The Netherlands Portugal Spain Ottoman Empire (Turks) Austria-Hungary

STIMULATING INTEREST Europeans were attracted to Africa by the written accounts they read and heard from several groups: (3) Explorers Mungo Park and Richard Burton toured and mapped the Niger, Nile, and Congo Rivers Missionaries Christians of all kinds set up: Schools Churches Medical clinics Fought the slave trade Adventure writers Wrote novels and pulp stories about heroes in “darkest Africa”. Many had never been to Africa.

Paternalism: "The ____________ Burden“ -- Rudyard Kipling White Man's Imperialist attitude that it was the duty of the superior White race to guide and protect the “childish”, “savage”, lesser, “coloured” peoples of the world. Europeans believed that cultures that did not “westernize” had to be “beaten down” and shown the right way to behave, just as a father punishes an uncooperative child.

Biological barriers broken by science _________________ had protected Africans from an all-out European invasion, Malaria but European science found _______ in South America. quinine It reduced the effects of malaria and Europeans were able to invade, conquer, and develop many African lands at will.

Protectorate A foreign land whose local rulers appeared to be free and in control Was really run by a foreign power Britain ran Egypt this way US ran Cuba this way

Sphere of Influence A foreign power only takes control of part of a nation. Usually the profitable or strategic part Britain and others would take control of China this way.

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p. 287 WE Question: EC: Is it pro or anti-imperialism? Explain New market, place for investment To be exploited EC: Is it pro or anti-imperialism? Explain Pro Advertising to get Europeans to settle in and develop African lands and resources.

Standards Check, p. 287 Question: Economic motives Military and political missions Humanitarian and religious reasons Social Darwinist reasons

Comparing Viewpoints, p. 288 Favor English are superior race Oppose The lands belong to the inhabitants, who have an established way of life.

Image, p. 288 Question: They had superior weapons

Standards Check, p. 289 Question: Westerners had stronger economies, governments, and technology Also the necessary manpower.

Standards Check, p. 289 Britain Indirect Rule; through a local ruling class France Direct Rule

Did anyone fight back? Use the current and next chapter to cite colonial resistance efforts, peaceful or violent. Answer all the “wh” questions (who, what, when, where, why and how.) One for each region/nation below: Africa Muslim regions India China Japan Southeast Asia and the Pacific Canada, Australia, New Zealand

Brief Response Did the New Imperialists have the right to take over foreign lands and denying the freedom of hundreds of millions of people there?